From networking to digital detox: What’s your vacation style?

29. 8. 2024

4 min.

From networking to digital detox: What’s your vacation style?
Elsa Garcia

US Journalist Intern

Summer is the perfect time to take a break from work and enjoy life. It’s a season everyone looks forward to, when everything slows down, giving us a chance to chill out. But is that really the case for everyone? In the digital age, unplugging has become a challenge that most of us struggle to overcome.

For some, relaxing comes easily. They dive straight into “doing nothing” without hesitation. They can lounge in a hammock, soaking up the sun, cocktail in hand by the pool, without a thought about work. For others, unplugging is easier said than done.

Vacations often turn into a balancing act—trying to relax while staying somewhat “on.” Whether you unplug or mix relaxation with a bit of work, everyone has their own way of doing vacation. So, what’s your style?

The workaholic

The workaholic is that person who goes on vacation but mentally never leaves the office. No matter how amazing the beach, mountains, or city views are, they remain glued to their phone, checking emails “just in case.” For them, disconnecting is more stressful than staying connected, so instead of relaxing, they squeeze in quick work moments, answering emails and taking short calls. You’ll often hear them say, “I just need to reply to this one thing, then I’m done.”

Even on vacation, their mind is stuck in work mode, worrying about deadlines and what’s happening at the office. While everyone else enjoys the sun and cocktails, they’re stressing out. Despite trying to balance work and relaxation, they never switch off. By the end of the trip, they come back as stressed, if not more so, than when they left.

The networker

For the networker, vacation isn’t just about relaxing—it’s a prime time to meet new people. They arrive at the resort with a big smile and business cards, ready to start a conversation with anyone nearby. Picture them lounging by the pool, asking the person next to them, “What do you do for work?” By breakfast the next morning, they’re on a first-name basis with the staff, and by dinner, they’ve already mentioned their job to a few fellow travelers.

By the end of the trip, the networker has swapped stories with half the resort, made new contacts, and received advice from the bartender. When they get home, their LinkedIn is full of new connections, and they’ve collected more networking wins than vacation photos.

The influencer

The vacation bragger isn’t just taking a trip; they’re on a mission to make sure those stuck in the office know how incredible it is. Relaxing? Not so much, because they’re too busy snapping photos and racking up likes. For them, a vacation isn’t complete without a stream of Slack messages, sunset selfies, and constant updates about their “much-needed getaway”. Every drink, meal, and scenic view is an opportunity for a post. Miss a photo op? No way.

They’re checking in everywhere, tagging every location, and making sure their social feed is packed with Instagrammable moments. It’s all about crafting a highlight reel that makes everyone back home feel serious FOMO. Sure, they’re having fun, but let’s be honest—half of the excitement comes from knowing they’ll come back with the perfect profile photo and plenty of likes.

The digital detoxer

The digital detoxer is the complete opposite of the workaholic and infuencer. Once they land, their phone goes straight to airplane mode and gets tucked away for the whole trip. No emails, no social media, and definitely no work calls. They’re here to get away from the constant buzz of the digital world. Instead of scrolling through their phone, they stay in the present moment. You can find them doing yoga, getting lost in a book, or snapping pictures with a retro film camera.

For the digital detoxer, the mission is simple: disconnect and recharge. By the end of their trip, they’ve written in a journal, taken photos, and done enough yoga to feel totally unplugged… All while staying blissfully unaware of the latest work drama back home.

The lingerer

The lingerer is a more laid-back version of the workaholic. They’ve left the office, but not entirely. On the surface, they seem totally relaxed, soaking up the sun and taking in the sights. Behind the scenes, though, they’re quietly keeping tabs on their inbox. While lounging by the pool, they might check their emails, pretending they’re just scrolling through social media. Out exploring? They slip in a quick work reply while snapping a perfect photo.

They keep it low-key. Everything is done subtly, enough to stay connected without making a fuss. To everyone else, it looks like they’re enjoying their vacation, but their constantly active Slack status gives it away. By the time the trip’s over, they still come back feeling like they never unplugged.

The over-planner

You know someone like this… they have everything under control! They show up with an itinerary so tight that even a military sergeant would be impressed. Breakfast is at 7:00 AM sharp, followed by three museums and two free tours. Rest? Not on the agenda. By the end of the day, your legs feel like jelly, but hey, you didn’t waste any time on anything unnecessary. You might hear them repeating the same phrase every few hours: “We’ve got 10 minutes—hurry up!” Their dedication is impressive, but in the end, they need a vacation from their vacation. Hey, at least they didn’t miss that guided tour about the city’s most famous park benches!

In the office, you can easily recognize this type of coworker. Need to schedule a meeting? Good luck finding an open slot—their Google Calendar is already full. They bring the same energy to everything they do, whether it’s work or travel. Efficiency is their middle name, even if it leaves the rest of us catching our breath!

Photo: Welcome to the Jungle

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