Fullstack Developer

Shrnutí práce
Plný úvazek
Plat: 50K až 65K €
Několik dní doma
zkušenosti: > 4 roky
Vzdělání: Magisterský stupeň vzdělání
Dovednosti a odbornost
Generovaný obsah
Agilní metodiky
Komunikační dovednosti
Spolupráce a týmová práce
Dovednosti řešení problémů


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Popis pozice

The Fullstack Developer at TrustBuilder will play a key role in technical innovation and product development. Reporting directly to the VP of Engineering, they will lead in designing, developing, and maintaining systems.

As a Fullstack Developer you will:

  • Collaborate with team members for comprehensive solutions.

  • Employ agile methodologies for feature additions.

  • Establish unit tests for robust functionality.

  • Develop reusable code across front-end and back-end.

  • Implement rigorous security measures.

  • Enable seamless front-end to back-end integration.

  • Craft visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.

  • Proactively identify and resolve issues.

  • Conduct thorough code audits for performance optimization.

  • Review and provide feedback on peers’ code for consistency

Požadavky na pozici

  • Strong team-player with excellent collaboration skills

  • Demonstrated ability to solve complex problems efficiently

  • Effective interpersonal skills for seamless communication within teams

  • Driven by achieving results and maintaining high quality standards

  • Proficient in front-end languages and libraries: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

  • Knowledge of multiple back-end languages and frameworks: Java, Python, Angular, Node.js

  • Working understanding of databases (MySQL, MongoDB), web servers (Apache), and UI/UX design principles

  • Experience with agile methodology.

  • Familiarity with test-driven development.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related field preferred.

  • Language skills:

    • English

    • Dutch and French are extra

Proces náboru

Our recruitment process is structured and efficient, consisting of four stages:

- Interview with the R&D department manager.

- Technical interview with two experienced team members.

- Final interview with the Human Resources department to finalize administrative and cultural details.

- Job offer proposal.

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