SQA Engineer

Shrnutí práce
Plný úvazek
Plat: Neuvedeno
Několik dní doma
Dovednosti a odbornost
Generovaný obsah


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Otázky a odpovědi ohledně nabídky


Popis pozice

  • Create and maintain a highly automated software testing environment based on our automated build infrastructure
  • Support engineers in maintaining existing or implementing new E2E tests based on Protractor / AngularJS / Typescript, adapting these specifically to different browsers and devices
  • Script test suites for automated testing of specific components or use cases, and integrate as required into build automation
  • Run automated regression tests across different product versions on select customer and generic best practise software configurations
  • Analyze test results and collect all necessary data, dispatching bugs to engineers for resolution and other issues to Product Management
  • Perform user acceptance testing, functionality testing and regression testing
  • Create, estimate and prioritize technical test plans together with the Continuous Testing Team which coordinates all testing activities across different stakeholders
  • Research, select, and implement third party components to improve software quality assurance process and test automation
  • Maintain awareness of our quality assurance programs, and proactively suggest improvements
  • Support our Cloud Operations team in executing specific test with regard to deployment and load/stress, or help them isolate software-induced infrastructure issues
  • Be part of our SCRUM teams and Agile product development process

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