TotalEnergies Digital Factory

TotalEnergies Digital Factory

Big Data, Energie, Software


Delivery and Delivery Performance

TotalEnergies Digital Factory

The Delivery team, a group of around a hundred talented people, is organized into squads, multidisciplinary and autonomous teams with the same goal: to ensure the development of products with high technological added value. The squads work according to the AGILE method.

The Delivery Performance team uses its expertise to ensure the correct application of “Agility” (framework and mindset). It supports and coaches the squads, to ensure high performance delivery and the best possible dynamics. The team's influence extends throughout the organization to ensure continuous improvement.

L'Ă©quipe Tech Authority Team est responsable de la gestion de la technologie et de l’architecture Ă  la Digital Factory. Elle dĂ©finit les normes et les pratiques et conseille les squads en matiĂšre de dĂ©veloppement de logiciels, de sĂ©curitĂ© informatique et de gestion de donnĂ©es. Son objectif est de garantir des solutions digitales de qualitĂ©.

TotalEnergies Digital Factory

“What's interesting about the Digital Factory is the business use cases. We are at the confluence of energy business disruption and technological transformation. We can experiment and do interesting things in a start-up atmosphere with healthy pressure because we're backed by a large, solid group”

Elhadi, Chief Technology Officer

Delivery Performance

TotalEnergies Digital Factory

L’équipe Delivery Performance garantit avec son expertise la bonne application de l’agilitĂ© (framework et mindset). Elle accompagne et coache les squads, afin d’obtenir un delivery performant et la meilleure dynamique possible. L’équipe rayonne dans l’ensemble de l’organisation pour assurer l’amĂ©lioration continue.

“Evoluer dans l’équipe Delivery Performance, c’est s’assurer que le Delivery soit le plus efficient possible, afin de permettre Ă  la Digital Factory de dĂ©livrer des produits toujours plus complexes, risquĂ©s et transformants. Pour cela, elle fait en sorte d’autonomiser les squads sur leur framework de travail, de s’assurer qu’elles maĂźtrisent leur Ă©cosystĂšme. L’équipe est composĂ©e de coaches agiles (experts Scrum & Kanban), coaches crafts et d’une responsable de la performance. ”

Delphine, Responsable Delivery Performance


TotalEnergies Digital Factory

The Data Team, an entity of around forty data science and data management experts, dedicated to the development and industrialization data-driven solutions at the heart of Digital Factory products. Join our Data Team and be part of an exciting intellectual adventure, where every line of code you write will help shape the future!

“If you enjoy varied modeling challenges with a multidisciplinary team: LLMs and generative AI, machine learning and statistics, optimization and operations research, computer vision... You enjoy working on industrial systems and very concrete issues across all areas of production, distribution, and marketing businesses of TotalEnergies (O&G, renewables.), meeting users of your models in their offices, in their factories, etc. You are passionate about putting data science and AI into production: software craftsmanship, MLOps and scalable deployment (several hundred models already in production), edge.... ”

Michel, Chief Data Officer

Tech Authority

TotalEnergies Digital Factory

The Tech Authority Team is responsible for technology management and architecture at the Digital Factory. It sets standards and practices and advises squads on software development, cybersecurity and data management. Its goal is to ensure high-quality digital solutions.

“Joining the Tech Authority provides the opportunity to oversee a wide range of applications, from their design to deployment, while ensuring the application of best practices in development, integration and deployment.”

Michael, Chief Product Officer

Design Studio

TotalEnergies Digital Factory

Une Ă©quipe dĂ©diĂ©e d’une vingtaine de designers amĂ©liorent l'expĂ©rience utilisateur des solutions digitales. Ils sont spĂ©cialisĂ©s dans l'expĂ©rience utilisateur (UX), l'interface utilisateur (UI) et/ou le service design.

Ils interviennent pour l’ensemble des squads de la Digital Factory du framing au transfert de la solution aux utilisateurs.

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