Action contre la Faim

Action contre la Faim




Find out more about our communication jobs

The communication jobs at Action Against Hunger are divided into 5 branches: Campaigns and Citizen Mobilization, Digital, Operational, Publishing and Internal.

Each branch aims to inform and unite in the fight against hunger by spreading strong messages and making our actions visible.

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*© Paul Lorgerie *

Action contre la Faim


Find out more about our Finance jobs

The finance professions ensure the proper allocation of resources and the monitoring of budgets.

These are key jobs within the organisation to ensure the management and transparency of our funds.

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*© Olivia Acland pour Action contre la Faim *

Action contre la Faim

Marketing and Resource Development

Action contre la Faim

Human Resources

Action contre la Faim

Informations system

Find out more about our Information Systems jobs

The Information Systems (IS) professions are at the heart of our challenges to ensure the development of our organisation.

Strategic and concrete ambitions to ensure the optimisation of our information systems, both in networks, telecommunications and energy.

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© Sébastien Duijndam

Action contre la Faim


Action contre la Faim

Find out more about our Logistics jobs

Logistics jobs are essential to meet growing humanitarian needs.

The teams set up the logistics chain to provide a rapid, appropriate, relevant and efficient solution for delivering the necessary aid to the affected populations.

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*© Christophe Da Silva pour Action contre la Faim *

Mission Management

Find out more about our Mission Management jobs

At headquarters or in the field, our professional managers are key members who support and unite their teams around a strategy adapted to the needs. A multi-sectoral strategy previously implemented by them by ensuring the development and the funding of our interventions.

Inspiring and challenging jobs.

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© Alexis Huguet pour Action contre la Faim

Action contre la Faim


Find out more about our Advocacy jobs

Advocacy brings about lasting changes in policy, practice and capacity by influencing political and economic decision-makers and mobilising public opinion.

These professions are based on two themes: the defence of humanitarian principles and the fight against hunger and malnutrition.

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*© Sébastien Duijndam pour Action contre la Faim *

Action contre la Faim

Technical Expertise and Research

Find out more about our Technical Expertise and Research jobs

As the cause of hunger is multiple, our response is multisectoral and relies on several areas of expertise:

6 specific areas: Nutrition & Health, Food Security & Livelihoods, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, Mental Health, Psychosocial Support & Protection, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning and Research

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© Nicaise Djandji pour Action contre la Faim

Action contre la Faim

Security & Safety

Action contre la Faim

Audit, Internal Control and Compliance

Find out more about our Audit, Internal Control and Compliance jobs

These transversal professions aim to coordinate Action Against Hunger's activities by controlling risks, contribute to defining a governance model and integrate a control strategy for major risks.

They are essential to the achievement of the association's objectives.

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*© Sébastien Dujindam pour Action contre la Faim *

Action contre la Faim


Action contre la Faim (ACF) is an international non-governmental organisation fighting against hunger in the world.

🙌🏽 ACF is committed to 5 areas:

  • Nutrition and Health
  • Mental Health, Psychosocial Support and Protection
  • Food Security and Livelihoods
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
  • Advocacy

80% of ACF's activities are financed by public grants 15% from public fundraising

🌎 Most of ACF's field activities take place internationally (Middle East, Asia, Central Africa, etc.), always supported by the Headquarters based in Paris, which is composed of more than 300 staff members with varied profiles.

What they are looking for

Action contre la Faim is looking for humanitarian professionals but not only!

600 positions, based in France and abroad, in the following functions

  • Support: logistics, finance, human resources, IT, etc.

  • Technical: doctors, nurses, agricultural engineers, water engineers, clinical psychologists, and more generalist profiles for mission coordination, etc

  • Communication, marketing, advocacy, etc.

Joining Action contre la Faim means,

  • Defending the same cause within committed teams with the most vulnerable populations
  • Developing skills through individualised HR support and training throughout their professional career
  • Sharing with colleagues values such as independence, neutrality, non-discrimination, professionalism and transparency

Good to know

  • A teleworking policy: Depending on your position, you will have the possibility of working entirely or partly from home
  • A Talent Bridge e-learning platform: You will have the opportunity to develop technical or cross-functional skills at your own pace
  • Information points: Bringing together all ACF staff and allowing them to be informed about the latest news from each department and each mission
  • Advantageous employment conditions: 20 days of RTT (Working Time Recovery) in addition to paid holidays, 50% of public transport costs covered, 175€/year (CSE), etc
  • A move in sight: currently based in Clichy, the ACF headquarters will move to Montreuil in October 2022

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