

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Commercial Real Estate, SaaS / Cloud Services


Organisation et méthodologies


Tech team is split into several departments :

  • R&D is responsible for prototyping the algorithms

  • The C++ team turns into them into industrial software which generates the footfall data from the camera video streams

  • The python backend receives and stores the data into no-sql databases

  • The frontend creates the web UI for displaying the mall configuration and the interface for the maintenance tools

We have weekly meetings to setup priorities, we define road-maps over the next 3 months and team gathering every 3 weeks to share business and tech achievements.

Projets et défis techniques


Real-time outfit reidentification

Extracting someone itinerary in a large crowded area is a challenging task : with 50.000 visits per day, and more than 300 cameras, more than 15.000.000 events need to be identified.

No facial recognition nor biometric data are allowed. We work on ensuring maximum precision with no compromise on GDPR-compliance.

Backoffice webapp

The release of a new site involves numereous steps : studying the camera positions in the map, validating the installation, monitoring the video stream quality, calibrating and measuring counting quality for each counting point, configuring the link between the camera, the counting point and the final business aggregate, ...

We aim at builing one platform with custom security rules to have all participants, internal and external to rely on one source of information.

This is a google-map-like webapp to display all informations on one map.


Processus de recrutement


The recruiting process take 3 weeks from the first phone call to the contract signature.

  • Step 1 : Interview with Julien, CTO - business goals, tech stack, tech challenges

  • Step 2 : Technical test to be solved at home in maximum 1-week

  • Step 3 : Meeting with your future manager, the CTO and the CEO in our office.