At Kili Technology, our mission is to empower businesses to transform unstructured data into high-quality data to dramatically accelerate the build of reliable AI.
In 2024, we embarked on a new adventure and built a brand-new product from scratch: DeepIP
DeepIP is helping patent agents and attorneys streamline the process of drafting patent applications. This product leverages the latest advances in AI—like foundation models—to accelerate the fundamental steps involved in building these applications. In 2024, we have experienced tremendous growth, and we’re looking for passionate, driven individuals to help us accelerate further and reach new heights.
We are a team of collaborative hustlers, ambitious learners, and ownership champions. If you're excited about a fast-paced, flexible environment where growth is celebrated and every day brings new possibilities, join us on this exciting journey 🚀.
DeepIP is helping patent agents and attorneys streamline the process of drafting patent applications. This product leverages the latest advances in AI—like foundation models—to accelerate the fundamental steps involved in building these applications. In 2024, we have experienced tremendous growth, and we’re looking for passionate, driven individuals to help us accelerate further and reach new heights.
As we build DeepIP, we are looking for passionate, driven individuals to join us under a VIE contract in New York City.
We are seeking a talented individual to fill the role of Founder Associate who will report directly to DeepIP’s CEO in our New York office.
If you are an entrepreneur or if you ambition to become one, this is a unique opportunity.
By being exposed to the heart of the business, tackling complex challenges, and driving strategic decisions, this position offers a unique opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to learn the ins & outs of building a start-up and to develop a wide range of skills—from strategic thinking and problem-solving to project management and operational mastery.
Key responsibilities
1. Coordination of the Executive Committee & Internal Communication :
Orchestrate and oversee OKRs, facilitate regular staff meetings, and coordinate quarterly staff seminars to ensure alignment, transparency, and effective collaboration across teams.
2. Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy & Operations:
Develop, refine, and execute go-to-market strategies, collaborating with cross-functional teams to drive product launches, market penetration, and sustained growth.
3. Strategic Projects with the CEO:
Partner directly with the CEO on high-priority initiatives that shape the company’s direction, working on everything from new product development to process optimization.
Role Challenges:
Ready to shape the future with us? If you’re eager to have a direct impact on strategic projects, thrive in a fast-paced environment, and want to grow alongside ambitious peers, we’d love to hear from you!
Apply now and let’s build the future together!
✨ If you thrive in a fast-paced, ambitious, and flexible environment, where collaboration, ownership, and a hunger for growth are celebrated, this is your opportunity to make a difference. ✨
Kili is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, age, color, religion, national origin, veteran status, or disability.
Applying at Kili also connects you with a broader network. Should we not proceed with an offer, we’d be happy to refer you to the Talent Club, created by Serena to offer great opportunities at innovative companies like Dataiku, Malt, and Libeo.