Minth CZ s.r.o.



Shine, HR manager - Minth CZ s.r.o.

Shine, HR manager

Shine works at Mignen CR as HR Manager and is dedicated to setting the company's corporate culture and HR strategy. Among other things, she engages Chinese colleagues in the Czech Republic and works to fulfill the company's mission in the CR.

He is involved in setting KPIs for individual departments. She is a member of the top management and her goal is to implement a baby friendly approach in the company. You can meet her regularly during employee induction training, and possibly at trade fairs and various marketing meetings. She also initiates activities outside of work and emphasizes good interpersonal relations in the workplace.

Martin Forys, Quality Manager - Minth CZ s.r.o.

Martin Forys, Quality Manager

As Head of Quality, Martin is responsible for the company's operations in terms of product quality assurance. He takes care not only of customer requirements but also of the internal quality system and the implementation of corrective measures.

An important part of his job description is communication with foreign partners and customers. He represents the company at meetings and therefore also looks abroad as part of his job. For example, he has visited Serbia on business. He is witty and his dry humour contributes to a good mood not only in the workplace but also outside it.

Pavla Šulcová, Logistics Manager - Minth CZ s.r.o.

Pavla Šulcová, Logistics Manager

As a fresh logistics manager, Pavla is in charge of the warehouse, arranging complete transport from overseas to the Czech Republic. She organizes negotiations with the customer regarding the transport chain. She is clear on the numbers and can plan well in advance. She is responsible, focused and her background makes her a great team leader and has clear priorities. Not least because of this, she has risen from the position of Delivery supervisor, which she took up in 2021, to the position of Logistic manager.

Jakub Havránek, Teamm production leader - Minth CZ s.r.o.

Jakub Havránek, Teamm production leader

Jakub currently works as a team leader in the production department. He joined the company as a production operator and after only a few months he moved up to the position of team leader thanks to his hard work and interest.

Currently, he is responsible for the distribution of the tasks of the employees on the shift, controls and manages the running of the shift on the production line. Prepares production material order requests. He is a great teammate, doesn't spoil any fun, and enjoys computing in his spare time.

Pavel Nachtnebl, Welding engineer - Minth CZ s.r.o.

Pavel Nachtnebl, Welding engineer

Pavel is responsible for welding engineering in the technical department. His main job is to control and set up the welding process. He plans his activities carefully and is also present at the workstations on the line to optimise the process.

He works closely with production and the quality department to improve efficiency. He is the link between the Czech and Chinese team in technical matters. He spreads awareness and application of the standard within the company. In his private time, he is mainly devoted to his family.

Minth Group = Mignen

Minth Group je globálním lídrem ve výrobě vnějších a konstrukčních automobilových dílů. S pracovní silou 22 331 zaměstnanců rozmístěných ve čtyřech obchodních jednotkách a 77 globálních závodech a kancelářích pokrývají jejich operace tři kontinenty a 14 zemí. Jsou nesmírně hrdí na to, že slouží různorodé klientele, která zahrnuje více než 70 automobilových značek z celého světa. S využitím jedné z nejkomplexnějších a nejrozmanitějších zákaznických platforem na světě společnost Minth významně investovala do elektrifikace automobilového průmyslu, čímž se stala největším světovým dodavatelem bateriových krytů a součástí karoserie.

V Minth Group jejich závazek sahá za obchodní úspěch k vytvoření udržitelné společnosti a budoucnosti pro všechny. Prosazují zelené inovace a stále více využívají zelenou energii v jejich provozech. Souběžně se zaměřují na poskytování vysoce výkonných, vysoce kvalitních automobilových dílů, které splňují nejvyšší globální standardy a neustále podporují inovace v automobilovém průmyslu.

Who are they looking for?

Hledají kolegy, kteří mají zájem budovat a rozvíjet novou automotive společnost v oblasti Elektromobility a které zajímají nejmodernější automatizační technologie.

Obsazují nejrůznější pracovní pozice od manažerských, technických, administrativních až po operátory ve výrobě.

Good to know

Nabízí skvělou příležitost vytvářet zcela novou společnost, její firemní kulturu, procesy a týmy.

Společnost Minth Group dlouhodobě expanduje na nové trhy, což sebou přináší příležitost jak pro osobnostní, tak kariérní rozvoj.

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