

Health, Pharmaceutical / Biotech, SaaS / Cloud Services

Saint-Étienne, Lyon

Organization and methodologies


We have set up 3 squads (multidisciplinary teams), each working on a specific objective, with all the necessary skills. We work in Agile mode, with daily meetings and sprints of varying length according to technological readiness level of the different tasks.

Our aim is to adapt continuously to the evolving needs of customers and to work collaboratively on different aspect of the product, from early innovation to delivery. Cross-project meetings allow technical expertise to be shared across the team.

In terms of team spirit, we are always in for sports practicing at lunch break or afterwork. Every Thursday, a member of the team brings a cake for the coffee break to have a nice unformal moment between colleagues.

Projects and tech challenges


HeartSim - Structural Heart

HeartSim is a patient-specific digital simulation project aiming to predict clinical outcomes of a cardiac procedure, to support the surgeon in his or her pre-operative decisions. The project is currently focusing on a heart valve, the mitral valve. Simulating this valve is a great technical and clinical challenge. Biomechanical simulation of a valve, taking into account the specificities of each patient, the pathology and the movement of the heart, is extremely complex and exciting. The team has set up its own medical image visualization software with annotation and segmentation tools and generated algorithms for the characterization and finite element simulation of the mitral valve.

Cardiovascular digital twin

Revolution for patients treated with endovascular or transcatheter surgery is on its way. Using a customized digital twin, we model the surgeon's actions and predict complications related to the intervention. We are developing an innovative cloud solution that allows us to: retrieve medical images sent by the doctor, generate an accurate 3D model of the patient's anatomy, model the prostheses, simulate their behaviour during the operation, identify the various intra- or post-operative risks, and share these results with the doctor. We have already been involved in the treatment of several hundred patients and are continuing to generate simulations, with the aim of further automating the process using data science and machine learning.


Recruitment process


We examine the applications on the basis of their experience, potential and overall motivation :

  • There’s an interview with the project manager and a technical member of the team, to discuss the assignment and the challenges. The technical skills, the ease of exchange and communication are assessed during this first interview.
  • Bruno - CEO - conducts another interview to confirm the fit with the vision and values of PrediSurge.
  • Then we are happy to welcome you in our wonderful team!

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