SPIX Industry

SPIX Industry

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Mobile Apps, Software


The tech team

SPIX Industry

SPIX industry puts the voice at the heart of its technical developments. It's quite unusual for developers to think "voice first" before thinking "visual interface".

To meet this challenge, the technical team has priorities:

  • Quality: to make a product, you have to develop a code of high quality,
  • Mutual aid: to be able to do what no one has done before, you need to be several,
  • Listening: we have to listen a lot to our customers and our experts to make a product that makes sense.

All these efforts guarantee the satisfaction of customers and users of the products.

  • Backend

    • Python
    • .NET
    • C#
    • asp.net core
      asp.net core
    • .NET Core
      .NET Core
  • Frontend

    • Vanilla JS
      Vanilla JS
    • Angular
    • Windows Presentation Foundation
      Windows Presentation Foundation
  • Devops

    • GitLab

Organization and methodology

Des process pour être efficace, de la souplesse pour s'épanouir !

At SPIX industry we use the best agile methods adapted to our development rhythms:

  • Daily: 15 minutes every morning to coordinate and guarantee priorities.
  • Code Review: systematic....
  • Planning: depending on our projects 2-week sprints for the product part, following the R&D roadmap
  • Sprints that depend on the rhythms of our customers during the integration phases

Projects and tech challenges

SPIX Industry

Product, project or technical challenge

Participate in the development of the Alexa or the Siri of the industry!

Spix.SKILLS are voice interface services for the industry. A Spix.SKILL is an interactive voice program that allows you to establish a dialogue between a user and your business applications in a technical area. A Spix.SKILL allows you to add an intelligent voice interface to your industrial software.

For example, the “Calculator” SKILL is able to understand questions such as what is 2.2 + 3.98 or give me 13% of 2.359, on the technical field of calculation. A SKILL therefore represents a unitary Voice Assistance function offered by Spix.

The assembly of these unitary voice services makes it possible to build complete voice interfaces for technicians and operators in industry.

SPIX Industry

Recruitment process

SPIX Industry

The recruitment at SPIX industry takes place in 4 steps:

  • first exchange of presentation by phone or visio evaluation of technical and professional qualities (hard-skills)
  • assessment of personal expectations and aptitudes (soft-skills)
  • understanding of salary expectations and job offer if agreed

To further accelerate this process, SPIX industry offers "SPIX job-days" during the year. The company is open from 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. for all candidates motivated by this adventure. It's a special time to meet the teams, better understand our expectations, share a snack and meet the leaders. Following these "SPIX job-days", a job offer can be made within 5 days.

Latest job posts

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