

FoodTech, Foodservice, Mobile Apps

Montpellier, Balma, Paris


Chez Swile, on prend notre responsabilité au sérieux. On grandit vite, mais on veut faire les choses bien.

Notre ambition : construire un monde du travail plus épanouissant et inclusif.
Le tout en intégrant les enjeux sociaux, sociétaux et environnementaux à notre développement et en maximisant notre impact positif !

Trajectoire durable

Progrès RSE

Notre trajectoire de progrès RSE est ancrée dans nos objectifs d’entreprise et infuse l’ensemble de nos activités. Swile est notamment engagé dans une démarche de certification B Corp, pour aligner nos pratiques avec les plus hauts standards du marché. Nous avons également initié un travail de fond pour devenir société à mission.

Chez Swile, l’équipe RSE initie et pilote les projets RSE mais ce sont tous les départements de l’entreprise qui sont engagés au quotidien à faire vivre nos engagements :

  • implémenter notre feuille de route “Sustainable Swile 2025” en France et au Brésil,
  • livrer les grands projets structurants : plan d’action climat, certifications, pacte parité, numérique responsable, programmes de diversité et inclusion, philanthropie et engagements associatifs, etc.
  • apprendre ensemble et infuser la RSE dans notre culture d’entreprise, consciente des enjeux environnementaux et sociaux.
Progrès RSE


Why join the Swile adventure?

Since its launch in 2018, Swile has revolutionised the employee benefits market.

By digitalising the management and use of benefits, thanks to our super app, we have improved the experience, making it simpler, more modern and more intuitive.

Swile also has a strong ambition: to become the leader in worktech, aiming to address, in the long term, the entire sphere of work life management through our products.

We rely on technological innovation, meticulous design and a rigorous CSR approach to help improve the day-to-day lives of workers and decision-makers, while boosting commitment.

With more than 1,000 employees and an international presence, particularly in Brazil, Swile has already won over millions of users and thousands of companies*.

Join us to build a more fulfilling world of work together.

What they are looking for

Passionate, curious and creative people ready to take on any challenge as a team !

Good to know

Our values 🦄

  • We are Team-Players: We succeed as a team! Learning, growing and taking off together is what drives us on a daily basis
  • We are Doers: Being creative, curious, and wanting to build things with a test and learn mindset, this is who we are!
  • We move Fast: The ability to be organized, adaptable and innovative to keep up with technological advancements in the market!
  • We Stay Hungry: Our ambition has no limit, and this requires humility, questioning, and the will to always set the bar higher!
  • We are Ambassadors: As we are the first and daily users of our product, speaking about Swile gives us pride!
  • We cherish our Values: Very committed, Swilers are passionate about maintaining our culture.

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