At Partoo, our Tech team has 75 people, divided into 'Engineering' and 'Product'. We work in Tribes and Impact Teams, currently we have 4 Tribes and 11 Feature Teams.
Each Tribe is led by an Engineering Manager and a Lead Product Manager, and focuses on a specific aspect or axis of our product: Visibility, Interactions, Empowering and Core.
In each Tribe, there are Impact Teams focusing on a specific product or a part of it. Our Feature Teams, are mixed of designers, product experts, and engineers, they deploy features in an agile and continuous way. They follow the SCRUM method with 2-week sprints.
We believe in helping our employees grow: when you join us, you'll have a meet with a coach every week. They'll support you either in developing technical expertise or management abilities.
However, we encourage you to try your luck in all cases, even if you don't tick all the boxes above, that doesn't mean you're not our future gem 💎
PS : You want to prepare yourself like a pro ? Check this article from one of our Engineering Manager, Louis-Amaury 🤫
À compétences égales, ce poste est ouvert aux travailleurs et travailleuses en situation de handicap ou assimilés au sens de l’article L5212-13 du Code du travail. Partoo s’engage en faveur de la diversité, l’égalité professionnelle, l’emploi des travailleurs handicapés.
With equal skills, this position is open to disabled workers or those considered to be disabled within the meaning of Article L5212-13 of the French Labour Code. Partoo is committed to diversity, professional equality and the employment of disabled workers.
Estas empresas también contratan para el puesto de "{profesión}".