Meet Cécile, CEO
Cécile is a passionate team builder with high entrepreneurial energy and a strong will to have an impact on children’s and women’s health. Born in a family of doctors, she first chose a different way and graduated from Sciences Po and HEC Paris. She acquired a strong business sense as strategy consultant at Bain&Co, from 2007 to 2012, before joining the FSI (Strategic Investment Fund) as Director of Strategy. She then discovered venture capital and entrepreneurship as Head of Development for Innovation at Bpifrance (French Public investment bank), and created Le Hub, a new service to help scale-ups grow, especially in the B2B SaaS and healthtech sectors. Determined to make a difference in healthcare, Cécile had the chance to meet Rémi and the team from Necker and Polytechnique, and create Sonio. Within a few months, she managed to build a highly talented and diverse team, driven to provide the best possible solution to secure prenatal diagnosis and pregnancy care.