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Linguistic Content Manager

Salaire : Non spécifié
Début : 14 février 2025
Télétravail occasionnel
Expérience : > 3 ans
Éducation : Bac +5 / Master

Le Cercle Des Langues
Le Cercle Des Langues

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Le poste

Descriptif du poste

This is one of the most structural and exiting job openings for the future of the company! We want to push the quality and the management of our linguistic content which is at the very heart of our offer for our clients and students.

Come join the team to structure and manage this project around our internal, educational and market content!

Please find bellow the full description of the tasks an missions of the position:

  • Create and maintain content for each pillar of our methodology
    • Private lessons and group lessons

      Creation of “on the shelf” content that teachers will use during their lessons:

      • Follow the architecture of elearning modules : for each elearning module, there should be a corresponding “lesson on the shelf” that the teacher will be able to use
      • 4 types : Grammar, Everyday, Business
      • Volume : 400 modules for each language
    • Elearning modules
      • Creation of elearning modules in Grammar, Everyday, Business and Test preparation

        Each module is made of 1 video + 4 exercises. The tasks will be as follows :

        • design modules plan (list of modules to develop) and design module structure
          • with chat GPT or other IA tool
          • according to the 4C methodology
        • recruit content assistants
          • in 5 languages ( 1 language = 1 content assistant)
          • they will write the scripts with chat GPT or other IA tool, and present the content in the videos
          • each content assistant should be linguisticly very accurate
        • manage content assistants
          • design KPI board
          • make necessary adjustments in case of delay, to make sure delivery is on time
        • recruit video editors
          • in 5 languages ( 1 language = 2 video editors)
          • with chat GPT or other IA tool
          • each video editor should be linguisticly very accurate
        • manage video editors
          • design KPI board
          • make necessary adjustments in case of delay, to make sure delivery is on time
      • Maintenance of elearning modules
        • Apply feedback
          • gather feedback on elearning modules from teachers and students
          • make sure each elearning module is adapted for each language. Adapt elearning module to alphabetical possibilities (ex : ss in German, ~ in spanish, etc…)
          • apply changes and if necessary, suggest alternative solution for answers, to make sure the exercise is user friendly on mobile
        • Change modules if necessary
        • Add modules if necessary
        • Adapt to any LMS change
      • Guarantee a good module architecture
        • on the LMS
        • on Hubspot : each module is a line in our database, so you will be the owner of the module database. For example, a module in our database has the following fields :
          • Name
          • Language
          • Level
          • Category
          • Subcategory
          • etc…
      • Answer students questions
        • Answer students questions on elearning modules
        • Manage answering questions for languages you don’t master
      • Guarantee a qualitative mobile experience

        Our modules are completed on desktop but also on mobile. Your job will be to enhance the mobile user experience, to make sure student module completion significantly increases. Our partner LMS is 360Learning

    • Live conferences

      Prepare content for 3 live conferences each week, for each language

  • Course organisation
    • Collective courses planning and coordination
    • Web comferences planning and coordination
  • FAQ
    • Write new articles of FAQ for teachers or students, who relate to module completion. Maintain these articles
    • Translate all FAQ articles in 5 languages
  • Cercle des Langues certification
    • Create CDL certification for each language
    • Manage project of certification implementation with France Compétences, to make sure that each of our certification is eligible to CPF
  • Linguistic support
    • Ponctually accompagny teams in translating the company’s wording and content online
    • Regularly check and test the translations and linguistic varieties of our existing content
  • Product continuous improvement
    • Help the product and managing teams in continuously improving our digital product
    • Propose new ways and ideas to display our methodology and our educational content

Profil recherché

We are looking for a fully polyglot profile with bilingual capacities in at least 3 languages.

French is our native and internal working language.

English is unavoidable internally and with our clients.

Spanish, italian and german are part of the future of the company. We need someone to drive the dynamic!

We are looking for candidates with a backround in translation, content management and international educational engineering.

A diploma with a minimum of 4 years of studies.

First experiences with capacities in project management and coordination are appreciated.

Overall, we would appreciate a candidate with these qualities:

Rigor, serious, organized, proactive, appreciation and/or experience in the educational sector, creativity

Déroulement des entretiens

1st interview: 30min with the HR Manager

2nd interview: Meet the Head of Operations + practical case

3rd interview: Meet one of the CEOs in charge of content and educational strategy + practical case

Envie d’en savoir plus ?