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Food Security & Livelihood Expert F/M

Résumé du poste
CDD / Temporaire(6 mois)
Salaire : Non spécifié
Début : 09 juin 2024
Télétravail occasionnel
Expérience : > 2 ans
Éducation : Bac +3
Compétences & expertises
Contenu généré
Enseignement et mentorat
Gestion de bases de données
Formation et perfectionnement


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Le poste

Descriptif du poste


The FSL (Food Security and Livelihoods) Regional Expert, attached to the "Red" geographical desk, supports the teams in the following countries: Afghanistan, Myanmar, Nigeria, South Sudan.

He/she will help to ensure that projects are of the highest possible quality, by carrying out a range of responsibilities according to the specific needs of these countries:

  • Development of the regional FSL strategy in collaboration with head office
  • Development of a portfolio of FSL projects and related technical expertise within country teams
  • Deployment and operationalisation of technical framework documents
  • Training, capacity building and coaching of teams
  • Representing SI expertise externally.

In order to fulfil these responsibilities, 50% of the time will be spent in the countries in the region.


Do you recognize yourself in this description? If yes, please send us your CV and cover letter!

Please note that CV-only applications will not be considered, and that the vacancy may close before the deadline.

Thank you for your understanding.

To learn more about Sl: www.solidarites.org


Solidarités International (SI) est déterminé à prévenir et à combattre tout type d'abus - tout acte d'exploitation, d'abus et/ou de harcèlement sexuels (SEAH) à l'encontre des membres des communautés bénéficiaires ou de ses collaborateurs et collaboratrices, atteinte aux personnes et/ou aux biens, fraude, corruption, conflit d'intérêt non déclaré, financement d'activités portant atteinte aux droits de l'homme - qui pourrait être perpétré dans le cadre de ses interventions. SI applique une tolérance zéro à l'égard de tout type d'abus, particulièrement des actes de SEAH.

Solidarités International est un employeur équitable qui combat toute forme de discrimination. SI ne demandera jamais une rétribution quelconque en vue de participer à un processus de recrutement.

Solidarités International (SI) is determined to prevent and fight all type of abuse - all act of exploitation, abuse and/or sexual harassment (SEAH) against members of beneficiary communities or collaborators, fraud, corruption, violation of persons and/or property, funding of activities harmful to human rights - that could be perpetrated in the frame of its interventions. SI implements a zero-tolerance policy regarding acts of abuse, notably acts of SEAH.

Solidarités International is an equitable employer committed to find all forms of discrimination. SI will ever ask for any remuneration to take part in a recruitment process.

Profil recherché


TRAINING: Agronomist/agricultural engineer, agricultural or veterinary technician, studies in rural development, geography, economics, local development, food safety.

EXPERIENCE: At least 5 years' experience in humanitarian missions or at head office on Food Security and Livelihoods projects or programs (including at least two years as coordinator or technical advisor).

Experience in one or more of the following approaches: agro-ecology, territorial approach, value chain, nutrition, disaster risk reduction, adaptation to climate change.

Experience in one or more of the country of operations would be an asset.


  • Skills in the design, management and coordination of FSL projects (food assistance, support for agriculture/livestock/fishing, support for employability and entrepreneurship, development of agricultural and food markets, natural resource management).
  • Skills in cash transfers and market-based approaches
  • Knowledge of cross-cutting approaches (mentioned above), in particular approaches that enable FSL interventions to have a longer-term impact
  • Skills in carrying out FSL assessments and technical studies related to the FSL sector (agrarian assessment, market analysis, value chain studies, etc.).
  • Skills in designing and implementing FSL tools and methodologies
  • Skills in carrying out interim or final project evaluations
  • Skills in developing training modules and conducting training courses
  • Good command of the analytical frameworks, methodologies and key indicators of the FSL sector.
  • Knowledge of analytical tools in sociology and/or anthropology is a plus


  • Microsoft Office
  • Database management software


  • English- Professional
  • French - Professional - capacity to engage with all HQ stakeholders
  • Any language of the countries of intervention is a plus.


  • Commitment and interest in humanitarian action
  • Organisational skills, adaptability and autonomy
  • Responsiveness, taking the initiative
  • Good interpersonal skills, network management/animation
  • Good teaching skills


Type of contract

Fixed-term contract, 7 months. Contract until 31 december 2024


Remuneration according to profile and location of the position (headquarters contract or expatriate contract).


Position carried out from France: Possibility of teleworking: 4, 12 days per month or 100%, in agreement with the current Teleworking Charter and the manager (monthly flat rate paid for the 100% TT modality); Mutual insurance company covered at 80%; Luncheon voucher covered at 60%; Transport Île de France covered at 50%;

Position carried out outside from France : Per Diem ; Breaks: During the assignment, a system of alternation between work and time off is implemented at the rate of 7 working days every three months (with a USD 850 break allowance, allocated by Sl). To these breaks periods, SI grants one (1) additional rest day per month worked; Insurance package: Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which refunds all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.

The position is likely to be primarily based in Bangkok, except if the candidate has a standing visa/work permit in Myanmar.

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