Fullstack software engineer

Sumár práce
Zmluva na dobu neurčitú
Plat: 55K až 75K €
Príležitostná práca na diaľku
skúsenosti: > 3 roky
Vzdelanie: Magisterský stupeň vzdelania
Zručnosti & odborná znalosť
Generovaný obsah
Zvyšovanie povedomia o trvalo udržateľnom rozvoji


Máte záujem o túto ponuku?

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Popis pracovnej ponuky

At Carbometrix, we are convinced that transparency on carbon emissions and the ability to compare companies are prerequisites to transition towards a low carbon economy and a climate-resilient development.

We are building a platform to scale and automate carbon footprint reporting for investors so that they can align their portfolio with the Paris agreement.

As the fourth engineer, you will work on all parts of the stack (currently React, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma, Postgres, GCP) to implement new features in collaboration with our carbon analysts.

The remote policy is 1 day per week during the probation period and 2 days per week after.

Preferované skúsenosti

  • At least 3 years of experience with TS as a software engineer. Previous experience with the stack (currently React, Tailwind, tRPC, Prisma, Postgres, GCP) is highly appreciated

  • Fluent in English and French, written and spoken

  • Demonstrated interest in sustainability issues and the transition to a low carbon economy

  • Flexible and enjoys working in a small team with an entrepreneurial spirit

Náborový proces

  • Send your application in the form below

  • Introductory interview with Arnaud - 30′

  • Technical interview (React/TS) - 45’

  • Product interview - 45’

  • Interview with co-founders - 1h

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