Sotfware Engineer

Plný úväzok
Plat: Neuvedené
Príležitostná práca na diaľku
skúsenosti: > 3 roky
Vzdelanie: Magisterský stupeň vzdelania


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Popis pracovnej ponuky

Software engineers are responsible for building both recruiter-facing & candidate-facing agents that leverage AI to automate talent acquisition & talent management operations.

They will scope and lead technical projects, mostly involving AI, to completion with an eye on the full stack and a mind for opinionated prioritization. The will Implement and maintain software applications including monitoring and enhancing their performance and investigating and fixing bugs. They will also contribute to defining the future of our experiences in light of the latest and greatest AItechnologies.

We look for software engineers who have experience with and/or a keen interest in LLMs, vision models as well as agent architectures.

Preferované skúsenosti

  • Experienced: 4+ years of building top-notch digital products (Node.JS, React, Typescript, Python, GraphQL preferred) within A-player environments and stemming from tier-1 engineering schools.

  • Leadership: Knows what needs to get done and how to get there.

  • Builder: Excited to lay the groundwork, technically and culturally, as we rapidly scale.

  • Passionate: Genuinely excited about our tech and its impact on automating talent acquisition & talent management across the globe.

  • Curious: Loves to discover & play with new ideas and technologies.

  • All-in: This is not a 9-5, we have a massive opportunity ahead of us and are looking to further accelerate our velocity. We are optimizing for the best folks and happy to compensate generously.

Náborový proces

  • Recruiter Screen (30mins)

  • Hiring Manager Screen (30mins)

  • Tech Home Test

  • Live Presentation of the test with 2 engineers (1 hour)

  • Final Round with the CEO (30mins)

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