C++ Software Engineer

Sumár práce
Plný úväzok
Plat: Neuvedené
Príležitostná práca na diaľku
Zručnosti & odborná znalosť
Generovaný obsah
Zručnosti pri riešení problémov
Pochopenie finančných trhov
Komunikačné zručnosti
Spolupráca a tímová práca


Máte záujem o túto ponuku?

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Popis pracovnej ponuky


As part of Operations and Finance domain, Transaction Data Management team is responsible for designing, developing and maintaining critical features for transaction lifecycles while ensuring their compliance and integration into a comprehensive Front-to-Back-to-Risk system. The team is also responsible for the core structures and generic APIs used for all financial transactions and asset classes available within MX.3 platform.

Preferované skúsenosti

Profile :

  • 1-3 years of experience in C++ development.

  • Analytical skills and autonomy in problem solving.

  • Ability to learn quickly and adapt.

  • Good communication skills and team spirit.

  • Proficiency in spoken and written English

  • Strong skills for understanding and improving existing code

« Mandatory » skills:

  • Master’s degree (Bac+5, preferably from an engineering school – a specialization in capital markets is a plus)

  • Rigor, precision, analytical and synthesis skills

  • Autonomy, ability to work independently

  • Team spirit and collaboration

« Nice to have » skills:  

  • Knowledge and/or interest in Java is a plus.

  • General knowledge of financial markets is a plus

  • Interest in exploring the technical and functional aspects of the MX.3 software

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