Project Manager – Urban Transport

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Ms project


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ARTELIA's Mobility, Transport and Infrastructure activities are grouped into a single Business Unit: M&I (Mobility & Infrastructure). The M&I BU comprises 3 French Branches and one International Branch. 

The International Branch has two objectives: 

  • To export French Branches’ know-how and expertise internationally. 
  • To establish local M&I Units in the countries where ARTELIA has permanent entities, to locally develop M&I activities. 

The current assignment awarded to Artelia is the Integrated Design Advisor (IDA) for the first phase of Borgarlina, consisting of 14.5 km of BRT infrastructure, including 25 stations.

Borgarlinan Lota 1 is a BRT project in the Capital area of Reykjavik. The intention of the BRT solution is to implement a public transport mode and improve the mobility of bicycles and pedestrians.

 The IDA team consists of a consortium composed of Artelia (France and Denmark offices) and HNIT as engineering consultants, and Gottlieb Paludan Architects and YRKI as architects.

The Integrated Design Advisor mission is covering the following services for preliminary design and detailed design: civil engineering & transportation engineering, landscape & urban design and architecture, mobility & urban transport planning services, structural design, traffic signal services, utilities and environmental investigations and design.


The role as Project Manager of IDA team “Project Design Lead” is located in Reykjavík. The Project Design Lead is the PMO’s main contact point throughout the project and her/his prime responsibility is to ensure that IDA services are progressing well and delivering in time and budget and that communication flows effectively between PMO and IDA. Also, she/he is responsible for organizing the needed transfers of knowhow from Artelia FR BRT’s specialists to MOEArtelia DK/HNIT and GPA/YRKI team’s members.

Before moving to Reykjavik a period between 3 to 6 months is required in Paris to fully integrate the Artelia Organization and share maximum time with the actual project manager.

The main activities are:

  • Team coordination
    • Internally:
      • Coordination of different disciplines, including planning and facilitating internal meetings
      • Sharing information and identifying possible blockages
      • Preparation of purchase orders (ATR, for the detailed design or tender phases - depending on the progress of the project)
      • Supervision of certain study tasks: explanation of the context, provision of external and internal input data, communication of progress to the rest of the team
    • With the client/PMO:
      • Coordination with the PMO to align on objectives regarding production / schedule / budget
      • Participation in interface coordination meetings with external stakeholders (adjacent projects, development of town planning documents/local plan), including monitoring of actions decided at the meeting
      • Preparation and participation in meetings with PMO
  • Project management:
    • Financial monitoring:
      • monitoring of budgets (time spent, purchase orders, change orders)
      • coordination and monitoring of consortium invoicing
      • budget forecasts: estimation of new tasks and identification of possible overruns
    • Reporting:
      • preparation of monthly reports for the client/PMO
      • establishment of notes for internal communication at the group/Artelia
    • Time schedule management:
      • Checking schedule updates
      • monitoring of physical progress and analysis of gaps with budgetary progress
    • Contract management:
      • Defining and monitoring complaints with support of the contract manager
      • Analysis of contractual risks and opportunities based on the development of the project
Informations supplémentaires

Notre contrat social

Chaque collaborateur est essentiel, raison pour laquelle il est associé à l’avenir et au développement du Groupe. Notre richesse et notre singularité, c’est notre capacité à vous offrir : 

  • Une entreprise sociale et citoyenne (accords diversité & inclusion, protection sociale et couverture mutuelle de qualité, Fondation Artelia)
  • Une organisation du travail modulable (télétravail, RTT, temps partiel choisi)
  • Une politique de partage des résultats (intéressement et participation avec abondement, actionnariat salarié, politique de rémunération sur 3 ans)
  • Des opportunités de carrière et une volonté d’accompagner les challenges professionnels (politique formation individualisée, parcours métiers, innovation, mobilité) 


Notre process de recrutement :

Mieux se connaître pour se choisir, c’est ce que nous vous proposons lors des 3 étapes de notre processus de recrutement :

  1. Echange téléphonique pour mieux cerner vos attentes et orienter votre candidature
  2. Entretien avec un recruteur : l’objectif est de comprendre qui vous êtes, vos aspirations, vos motivations, votre projet professionnel, puis vous présenter notre groupe, les perspectives de carrière, les contours du poste envisagé
  3. Entretien avec un manager opérationnel : il vous présentera plus en détail les missions, ce qu’il attend de vous, le mode de fonctionnement de l’équipe, les projets.

Si c’est possible, vous pourrez venir faire la connaissance de votre future équipe autour d’un café ou lors d’un déjeuner

Požadavky na pozici



  • MSc, BSc degree in engineering (Civil, electrical, industrial, …) or MBA, BBA Degree 


Technical Qualifications: 

  • Knowledge of engineering jargon. 
  • Professional experience in bids within an engineering group.
  • Fluent English, French. 
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills. 
  • Good command of IT tools:  
  • Office Suite
  • MS Project
  • Covadis/Mensura

Personal traits: 

  • People-oriented. 
  • Proactive.
  • Rigorous, precise. 
  • Organized, think ahead and responsive. 

Minimum experience

10 to 15 years of experience in the fields of the Infrastructure and/or, Transportation Systems

Joining the International Branch of the Mobility and & Infrastructure Business Unit gives you the opportunity to acquire versatility and autonomy, while working as part of a team with the engineers in charge of projects. It also gives you the chance to work as part of a team on large-scale projects.

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