Geographical mobility
We offer all our employees the opportunity to work in the city of their choice where we have offices.
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Podpora pro podnikatele, SaaS / Cloud Services
We offer all our employees the opportunity to work in the city of their choice where we have offices.
The possibility for each employee to propose and carry out transversal missions outside his team and his responsibilities.
You are in control of your own schedule.
Each month, Onepilot hosts a lunchtime speaker to inform or educate teams on productivity, social, or personal finance topics.
Onepilot's policy is to offer BSPCEs, on favourable terms, to 100% of its employees.
Onepilot participates in relevant employee training
Onepilot offers each of its employees a wide range of development opportunities, both vertically and horizontally. Firstly, through Special Missions, whose aim is to enable each employee to carry out cross-functional projects within the company; secondly, through a strong policy of internal mobility. We believe it is important to encourage internal promotion, both vertically and horizontally: many positions are regularly opened up and reserved for existing teams. We have also introduced HR reviews twice a year. The Onepilot Academy also enables Pilots to undertake training relevant to their position.
The Onepilot Academy allows Onepilot employees to benefit from consistent participation in their relevant training by Onepilot.