Technical Trainee - SW

Částečný úvazek
Plat: Neuvedeno
Příležitostná práce z domova

Valeo CZ
Valeo CZ

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Popis pozice

Valeo is a tech global company, designing breakthrough solutions to reinvent the mobility. We are an automotive supplier partner to automakers and new mobility actors worldwide. Our vision? Invent a greener and more secured mobility, thanks to solutions focusing on intuitive driving and reducing CO2 emissions. We are leader on our businesses, and recognized as one of the largest global innovative companies.

We are looking for a skilled student of technical university/faculty. You will support our software, test and validation engineers. You will be part of our automatization and simulation processes.

Main tasks & activities:

  • Working on proof of concept of camera adapters
  • Developing application interface and API
  • Support the overall development
  • Automate the process of ECU flashing/testing/validation

Your profile:

  • Student of technical university or faculty (Bc. or Eng.)
  • Experience with Python and C++
  • Communicative knowledge of Czech and English
  • Proactive attitude, open mind and willingness to learn


  • Flexible start/end of working hours
  • Meal tickets / catering allowance
  • Company catering
  • Cafeteria
  • Refreshments on workplace
  • Contribution to sport / culture / leisure
  • Occasional work from home
  • Corporate events

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