

Consumer Goods


Jakub Špiller, Head of Commercial Development CEE - Danone

Jakub Špiller, Head of Commercial Development CEE

Jakub vede tým Commercial Development CEE, který tvoří 45 lidí v pěti různých státech CEE (Bulharsko, Česko, Maďarsko, Rumunsko a Slovensko). Do Danone nastoupil v roce 2010 po ukončení vysoké školy jako Sales Support Trainee. V rámci společnosti si prošel několika pozicemi v rámci planningu až po vyboudování oddělení Comemrcial Development. Dnes má na starosti strategické řízení firmy, řízení RGM, rozvoj kategorií, exekuci v místě prodeje a v neposlední řadě zpracovaní dat a tvorbu různých dashboardů a přehledů.

Barbora Horníková, Brand Manager CEE - Danone

Barbora Horníková, Brand Manager CEE

Barbora je v Danone od roku 2020 a do firmy nastupovala na pozici Brand Manager pro značku Alpro. Od roku 2024 je jako Brand Manager pro CEE zodpovědná za mléčné portfolio napříč celým regionem CEE.

Jejím úkolem je starat se o přidělené značký tzv. od A až po Z. Zároveň vede mezinárodní tým, pod který kromě Česka a Slovenska, spadá také Maďarsko, Rumunsko a Bulharsko.

Edouard Dupont, Senior Planning Manager SN CEE - Danone

Edouard Dupont, Senior Planning Manager SN CEE

Edouard has been with Danone for almost 10 years. He started in August 2014 as Supply Planner at an French Factory. Currently he is based in Prague, leading the Planning team of 10 people from 4 countries, being responsible for Specialized Nutrition portfolio.

Dominika Preška, External Communication Specialist - Danone

Dominika Preška, External Communication Specialist

Dominika, naše External Communication Specialist pro Česko a Slovensko, skloubila své zájmy o PR a komunikaci se zdravou výživou a stará se o reputaci Danone. Kromě toho, že je dennodenně v kontaktu s novináři, úzce spolupracuje s brand manažery/kami všech značek a také pečuje o sociální sítě společnosti.

Kristýna Bajerová, Brand Management Specialist - Danone

Kristýna Bajerová, Brand Management Specialist

Kristýna pracuje ve Specialized Nutrition divizi jako Brand Specialist pro Medical Devices. Do Danone nastoupila nedávno a zaměřuje se na tvorbu marketingových plánů a strategií pro kategorii zdravotnických prostředků – enterálních pump. Vystudovala farmacii, žila v Berlíně a je certifikovaná instruktorka jógy.

O Danone

Dedicated to bringing health through food to as many people as possible, Danone is a leading global food company built on four business lines: dairy and plant-based products, waters, infant and toddler nutrition, and clinical nutrition. Danone is committed to fostering a healthier future for all stakeholders. Embracing a dual commitment to both business success and social progress, Danone Czech Republic and Slovakia has earned prestigious B Corp certification from the nonprofit organization B Lab, recognizing its impactful endeavors. The brand's diverse portfolio includes internationally recognized names such as Activia, Actimel, Alpro, YoPRO, Nutrilon, and Nutricia, as well as cherished local brands like Fantasia, Kostíci, and Hami.


Koho hledají

At Danone, each day offers an opportunity to make a meaningful, positive impact. An impact that resonates across our planet, our families, our communities, and businesses, shaping a better future. Joining Danone means becoming part of teams driven by shared values and a passion for continuous learning. This inclusive environment attracts both seasoned professionals and emerging talents, with Danone committed to nurturing employee development. With headquarters in Prague, Bratislava, and several other global cities, our diverse international team fosters creativity, innovation, and a global mindset, enriching our everyday work experience.

Good to know

Danone demonstrates its dedication to volunteering and social responsibility through various initiatives. Regular events like Volunteer Days see employees actively engage in community projects and charitable activities. Additionally, smaller yet meaningful actions, such as shared fruit breakfasts at the start of each week, underscore the company's ethos of valuing every contribution, big or small, in fostering a positive workplace culture.

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