Better Trips for travelers. Better Trips for the World 🌍
Since Evaneos was founded in 2009, we’ve been building a greener, fairer future for travel. By connecting travelers with the world’s best local experts, we provide trips that are better for them and better for the places they visit. For us, it’s all about quality and impact. That means fighting mass tourism and impersonal experiences at the expense of local communities and the environment. Instead, we offer tailor-made trips, lovingly crafted by those passionate about sharing and protecting the destinations they call home.
Thanks to our network of more than 600 local agencies in more than 160 destinations, we’ve helped more than 600,000 travelers plan extraordinary trips worldwide. The adventure doesn’t stop here. We invest a percentage of every trip we sell in our Better Trips Fund and have committed to spend at least 3 million € by 2025 on projects that reduce the negative impacts of travel and drive positive change within our industry. Think: creating new opportunities for woman-owned businesses, guiding small businesses through sustainability training and certification, and much more.
Our values are just as important within Evaneos. Our strength is in our diversity made of a multitude of languages, backgrounds, and experiences. We believe in building the best teams by creating an environment where everyone can be authentic, trust each other, and thrive.
We hope you’ll join us on our mission!
You can also follow our Glassdoor page and see the comments of our current employees and candidates.
What they are looking for
Thanks to our history, our culture, our values, all the people whom once crossed our path and joined the adventure, we’re really unique today, and we will remain unique for the next years.
Together, we are authentic, curious, trustful, iterative and collaborative, and want to welcome other people who share these key values for us.
With both current and future Evaneossians, we are building an authentic and international environment, open to everyone.
In one word, we’re not just looking for CVs that stand out, we’re looking for personalities who embody our spirit and our passion for better travel!
Good to know
The perks of being an Evaneossian include…
đź‘‹ 2 days a month (Evaneos days) when everyone meets at "La Voyagerie" and shares formal and informal moments
🌍 A travel pot for everyone to use on the Evaneos platform
đź’» An innovative and flexible remote policy including the possibility of working anywhere in the world for several weeks a year
🚆 An environmental RTT to encourage long-distance rail travel on vacation