Fédération Internationale pour les Droits Humains
Year of Founding
60Gender Breakdown
11,6 M€Latest job posts
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The FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) is an international human rights NGO. Since 1922, it has been committed to the defence of all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The FIDH federates 192 national human rights associations active in 117 countries. The transformation of societies is primarily the responsibility of local actors. FIDH's activities aim to strengthen their capacity for action and their influence.
What they are looking for
Solidarity, commitment, involvement. Every person counts at the FIDH. Whether you are an employee, an intern or a volunteer, you will participate in the actions of the FIDH and contribute to the construction of the human rights movement. Welcoming new people is always an opportunity to strengthen the action of the FIDH, to develop the structure and to move it forward.
Do you want to put your career at the service of strong values ? By joining the FIDH, your commitment, skills and dynamism will be put to good use and you will be sure to have a job that is meaningful.
Good to know
- You will be welcomed with an Induction Week to provide you with a common base of information and to facilitate your integration.
- Teleworking policy with a minimum of 4 days face-to-face per month.
- Advantageous employment conditions : 24 days of RTT in addition to 25 days of paid leave, complementary health insurance.
- The Paris office is located in a lively and central area of Paris (near Bastille and Gare de Lyon).
- International Secretariat meetings bring together all FIDH staff and allow you to be informed about the news of each department and projects.
- You will work in an international environment.