GoPro France

GoPro France

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, Mobile Apps, Specialised Engineering

Issy-Les-Moulineaux, Amsterdam, București, Carlsbad, Munich, San Mateo


GoPro France is a research and development center in charge of everything related to image, from the camera part to the processing chip, including smartphone software.

Our goal for next generation cameras is to keep improving the best image quality on the market and to make them smarter, capable of analyzing the current scene, its context and the user’s intent to automatically take decisions for a seamless user experience from capture to sharing videos with friends. New ways of capturing the moment emerge, such as 360 cameras.

These technologies offer yet unexplored opportunities but offer new challenges in image quality and computer vision that need to be tackled to allow a wider public adoption.

What they are looking for

GoPro France is looking for talented engineers to develop and embed algorithms on the cameras and participate in the implementation of technological roadmaps. We are also looking for engineers to optimize the sharing experience by developing the Quik mobile software.

Good to know

GoPro celebrates the world’s diversity. Together we can make a difference.

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