This position is no longer available.

Internship - Marketing

Salary: Not specified
A few days at home
Experience: > 6 months
Education: Bachelor's Degree


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The position

Job description

As a Marketing intern, your mission will be to accompany the growth of Reverso by creating and implementing a marketing strategy and building a strong brand identity.

Your main tasks will be to:

  • Participate in the development of the 360° Marketing and Communication strategy online and offline
  • Work on the positioning of the brand and ensure the consistency of our communication on all channels (including our website, social media, paid ads)
  • Create a community on social networks (influencers/ambassadors), contribute to our social media management
  • Create and plan content and visuals for our social media and e-mailing campaigns (photos, videos, text, etc.)
  • Look for new levers for acquiring more traffic on the website and our mobile App
  • Collect, format and analyze marketing KPIs to measure campaigns performance and suggest areas for improvement
  • Carry out competitive research
  • Build partnerships with other companies
  • Support in setting up events (especially student events)
  • Participate in the management of our digital partners (influence and growth marketing)

Preferred experience

  • You are studying in a top business school (HEC, ESSEC, Escp, EMLyon, Edhec)
  • You like communication, technology and you are creative
  • You have experience in digital project management
  • You are rigorous, organized, autonomous and above all, you want to have responsibilities
  • You are a very curious person, you are not afraid to test and iterate
  • You are excellent in communication, you have a good sense of writing and spelling has no secrets for you
  • Knowledge and background in ads marketing is a plus
  • Knowledge of DTP tools (Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, In Design, Canva, Figma) is a plus
  • You are fluent in French and English

Recruitment process

  • HR Interview
  • Interview with potential direct supervisor
  • Written case study to complete at home
  • Interview with another senior team member

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