

Mobile Apps, Mobility, SaaS / Cloud Services


Career development


Nous sommes encore au début de l’aventure, l’équipe est amenée à grandir rapidement ces prochains mois.  Pour les premiers collaborateurs à nous rejoindre, cela représente donc de belles perspectives pour l’avenir avec notamment la possibilité de construire leur propre équipe, d’évoluer en termes de compétences et missions… Nous écoutons les demandes de nos employés et leur permettons d’évoluer dans leur vie professionnelle selon leurs volontés.

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Sharvy is a start-up developing a digital solution enabling companies to manage and optimise the use of their parking spaces and workspaces.

The aim: to share parking spaces between employees and make it easier to book them so as to avoid vacancies, and to support new ways of organising work (hybrid working, flex office).

Today, Sharvy is used by 60,000 users in 15 countries!

What they are looking for

Sharvy needs people who are dynamic, autonomous and open to change. Everyone plays a role in the company's growth in France and internationally.

The team is constantly looking for various profiles: web and mobile developers to develop the solution, sales people to win new customers, people in marketing and communication to generate leads and publicise Sharvy.

Good to know

Joining Sharvy means benefiting from:

👉 New offices under the sun in Montpellier,

👉 Occasional remote working for a better balance between personal and professional life

👉 Breakfasts and foodtrucks at the foot of the offices to satisfy the gourmets.

👉 Afterworks to share convivial moments as a team

And above all... Humour to always work in a good mood!

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