Touton S.A

Touton S.A

Agri-food / Animal Nutrition, Consumer Goods, E-commerce

Bordeaux, Abidjan, Accra, Hambourg, Hô Chi Minh-Ville, Kampala, Singapore, Tomasina

Commitments and CSR

Touton S.A

We deploy a sustainability strategy based on shared value creation. By reducing environmental and social risks, we sustainably transform agricultural supply models, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

To respond effectively to these risks, our CSR approach is broken down into 3 priority areas:

--- "Offer sustainable products"

--- "Working side by side with our producer partners"

--- "Ensure the integrity of our operations"

Each of these areas includes several issues intrinsically linked to our activities, both upstream and downstream: From working with our producer partners, to the quality of our products, to the protection of our partners and employees.