Work for more: Welcome to the Jungle's new brand identity
Jun 25, 2020
3 mins
Head of Brand & Communications at Welcome to the Jungle
If careers are to last a lifetime, our working lives have to be worth living. So rather than non-stop job-hopping in the search for something more, what if work became more itself?
Since 2015, we’ve been on a mission: to create an all-encompassing experience of work, one that helps everyone find and get what they really need. Every day, we challenge companies to build rich cultures that attract the right people. And we enable them to develop strong, long-lasting relationships with their teams. We also try to offer candidates total transparency by helping them get to the heart of what companies do, what they stand for, and what they’re truly like to work for.
We could have stopped there. But to really sustain working life, we need to transform the whole experience. This is about so much more than job roles and information. We want to shake up the concept of work. Welcome to the Jungle is the new experience at work company: we want to totally reimagine how work can be and why we do it. This is why, today, we are unveiling a new brand identity that will reflect and support our ambition.
Our new visual identity
To align our looks with our mission, we are changing our logo. Welcome to the Jungle is our main brand, which contains our media content as well as our SaaS products.
Get ready to discover a brand new palette across all our platforms. What brand colour did we feel represents Welcome to the Jungle the best? We chose yellow. It’s contemporary, warm and joyful. A range of secondary colours adds variation and depth when we don’t feel the need to use our vivacious yellow.
Welcome to the Jungle has two typefaces. The first is our bespoke headline font, “Welcome”. Specially crafted by Violaine & Jeremy for Welcome to the Jungle, it embodies our brand personality traits and gives our typography a distinct visual character. The new addition today is Work Sans, a body copy typeface, chosen for easier reading, especially in small font sizes.
We are the platform that sustains working life
We believe that work is so much more than simply showing up and doing your job. It is everything that happens at work, everything that work influences and everything that influences work. It’s work and whatever affects it—absolutely everything. Just think about how much your job shapes your life. By looking beyond daily tasks and duties, we want people to free their minds and imagine what work could allow them to become, both professionally and personally. This original idea behind our new baseline, Work for More, is a refreshing and honest take on work, inspiring a new era of employment.
We are not just changing our logos and colour schemes. On our new homepage, you will be able to discover the latest companies hiring and also learn everything about life at work thanks to our articles, podcasts and videos. And very soon, you will find all this media content—for candidates, students, professionals, freelancers and recruiters—in the same place and divided into categories to make it even easier for you to find your way around.
Whether you are an employee, a student or an HR professional, keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletters and receive a selection of our best articles directly in your inbox.
Changes come from the inside, for our clients too
We want everyone to recognise that a company’s only true advantage is its people. We know that companies who value their teams properly—who take pride in their work experience and invest in company culture—are the ones who stand to grow, succeed and make an impact. The way in which a business behaves internally is reflected in how it is seen globally.
This is why, behind the scenes, we build Saas products that transform the experience of work from the inside. We’ve already created a platform—the one where you are reading this article!—that breaks down the artificial barriers which often unwittingly form within growing businesses. Companies use our products to build more positive, cooperative and lasting relationships in their workplaces.
In 2017, we launched Welcome Kit, our applicant tracking system (ATS), to help companies offer the best possible candidate experience. The platform has embraced our new visual identity, and we will keep innovating in the coming months to improve user experience and add new features.
While all our articles about HR trends and the future of work will be on this very platform, you can discover more about our products and services, or download our e-books, on the new B2B website, Welcome for Pros.
We believe that our vision of the future can sustain itself. Because an inspired, motivated and valued generation will make it happen. When we prioritise the experience at work, everyone—whether they’re looking for employment or creating jobs—gets so much more in return. It’s a richer, more fulfilling, happier and positive way to work—and to live our lives.
Whatever you’re working for, we believe together we can work for more.
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