Self-discovery at sea: Isabelle’s extraordinary life as a solo yachtswoman
On November 8, 2020, Joschke will compete in the Vendée Globe, the only round-the-world sailing race that is solo, non-stop and without assistance.
On November 8, 2020, Joschke will compete in the Vendée Globe, the only round-the-world sailing race that is solo, non-stop and without assistance.
If you are someone who sends emails without attachments, skips urgent tasks or turns up in the wrong meeting room, then you’re not alone!
Taking a step back means stepping to one side for a while. Here are a few tools to help you get there and come out even more inspired.
Changing companies is a balancing act. As the saying goes, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.”
Neuro-linguistic programming is a combination of techniques used to reprogram our brains through understanding the language we use in our own minds.
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