Any employee can work from home if they have a suitable job. The only rule is that they also work in the office to meet their colleagues and improve relations between teams. Every employee defines their schedule with their manager.
Remote policy
Includes 💻
- Budget individuel pour installer chez soi son espace de télétravail
- Fourniture d'équipement informatique adapté aux besoins
- Prise en charge des transports pour les salariés en full remote
“Je télétravaille 2 jours par semaine et me rends au Campus les 3 autres jours de la semaine. Je peux varier mes jours chaque semaine en fonction de mes besoins, des réunions ou des échéances. J'aime cette flexibilité qui m'est offerte et apprécie la confiance de mon manager. ”
Key figures
full remote
New and functional offices just 10 minutes from the centre of Annecy, accessible by all means of transport. What more could you want? A beautiful view of the surrounding mountains? You've got it! Working spaces are designed to meet team needs: meeting rooms, open space, quiet room, social hub... and a terrace for lunch in the sun!