s'engage contre le harcèlement de rue
L'Oréal Groupe
Nos marques engagées
L’Oréal Paris x Stand-Up
Nos marques s'engagent pour créer une société plus égalitaire et inclusive, à travers des programmes comme : L'Oréal Paris x Stand-Up : L'Oréal Paris, l'ONG Right To Be et la Fondation des Femmes se sont unis pour apprendre aux hommes et aux femmes comment lutter contre le harcèlement de rue. Le programme Stand Up propose des gestes simples, mais déterminants, qui permettent d'intervenir en toute sécurité lorsqu'on est victime ou témoin de harcèlement de rue.
La marque continue d’inviter chacun à se rallier à cette cause importante et à encourager les gens à se former à la lutte contre le harcèlement de rue sur la plateforme Stand Up. Aujourd’hui, plus de 950.000 personnes ont été formées au programme Stand UP à travers 41 pays.
Yves Saint Laurent Beauté x Aimer sans abuser :
Depuis 1961, Yves Saint Laurent a toujours été au service des femmes, véritables actrices du changement dans le monde. Sous la main du couturier, les femmes revêtent les codes du pouvoir par le biais de vêtements du vestiaire masculins et se font les complices des bouleversements d'une époque.
Fort de cet héritage, YSL Beauté continue, depuis soixante ans, d’accompagner des actions porteuses de sens dans le champ de la liberté et de l’indépendance de toutes les femmes.
Aujourd’hui, la marque unit sa voix à celle de l’association En avant toute(s) pour aider les victimes de violences au sein du couple et de la famille.
NYX x Proud Allies for All
Fi ère de représenter une communauté d’individus aux beautés multiples, fluides et inclusives, la marque NYX s’est très vite engagée aux côtés de la communauté LGBTQIA+ à travers une cause internationale en partenariat avec le Los Angeles LGBT Center : PROUD ALLIES FOR ALL. Pour son déploiement sur le territoire français, NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP s’associe au MAG Jeunes LGBT+.
L'Oréal Men Expert x Movember
L'objectif de Movember est de mettre la santé masculine au premier plan et de faire en sorte que les hommes vivent plus longtemps, en meilleure santé et plus heureux. Changer le regard porté sur l santé des hommes est une cause que L'Oréal Men Expert a tout particulièrement à coeur.
The desire for beauty has existed since the beginning of humanity. It’s a universal aspiration which crosses time, countries, and cultures.
Beauty is a powerful force that moves us.
We know that beauty is more than just looking good. Beauty gives us confidence in who we are, in who we want to be, and in our relationships with others.
For over a century we have been dedicated to one sole vocation: creating beauty. We remain true to the pioneering spirit of our founder and enjoy the unwavering support of his family, who have always accompanied our development.
Our goal is to offer each and every person around the world the best of beauty in terms of quality, efficacy, safety, sincerity and responsibility to satisfy all beauty needs and desires in their infinite diversity.
Because beauty is a permanent quest, we harness the power of our innovation to continually enhance the performance of our products and services. Because we value diversity, we leverage each of our brands to celebrate all expressions of beauty.
Because we strive to be exemplary with a long-term vision, we anchor our actions in our strong values and demanding ethical principles.
And because we are the global leader in beauty, we are aware that everything we do can have a meaningful impact. Therefore:
We act to shape the future of beauty by leveraging the best of science and technology, increasingly inspired by nature.
We act to drive social innovation by offering the best working conditions, training, and social protection for our employees.
We act to build a business with inclusivity at its heart by ensuring we are as diverse as the people we serve.
We act to nurture lasting partnerships with our clients and suppliers based on mutual trust and collaboration.
We act to create value for all our shareholders, by sustaining a robust business model.
We act to champion the cause of women and to strengthen the communities with which we engage.
We act to protect the beauty of the planet by fighting climate change, respecting biodiversity and preserving natural resources.
What they are looking for
At L'Oréal, everyone has their part to play. Your ideas are not only heard but valued, too.
Whatever your mission, you will make a tangible difference by turning values into action.
Our goal? To make Beauty accessible to all, by all.
Can you imagine your life at L’Oréal? Discover what working for the #1 Beauty Tech company looks like.
Good to know
L'Oréal ranked for the 4th time among the top companies in the Equileap gender equality ranking.
For the 12th year, L'Oréal is recognized as one of the most ethical companies in the world by the Ethisphere Institute.
"L'Oréal for the Future," a program launched in 2020, with radically more ambitious goals for 2030 on climate, water, biodiversity and natural resources.
A 3A rating awarded to L'Oréal by the CDP for the fight against climate change, forest preservation and sustainable water management.