Marketing / Communications, Public Relations, SaaS / Cloud Services

Bruxelles, Paris


Saper Vedere is a consulting and research firm dedicated to communication and public affairs.

Our mission is to develop innovative solutions to help leaders navigate a society in deep transformation. In an increasingly complex world, businesses have a real need to understand the changes that will impact their activities. We help them audit their audience and the power dynamics within their influence ecosystems with one goal: to anticipate the future and develop public affairs and communication strategies.

What they are looking for

To succeed in our mission and continuously innovate, we combine human analysis and technology. Based in Paris and Brussels, our team mainly consists of developers and analysts. We are also building a sales team to promote our automated public affairs monitoring SaaS, Follaw.SV.

Good to know

From the moment you arrive, you will join a professional and friendly team, receive a high-level IT package, and we will make sure to provide you with the best training.

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