Our vision in the Tech team is to find the perfect balance between delivering top-notch quality Apps and meeting the needs and timing of the Business roadmaps.
We are a group of around fifteen people with skills revolving around the Web development i.e. NodeJS developer, PHP developer, Product Manager, Product Designer, BI engineer...
To complement our Company values, we are guided by four strong internal values inside the Tech team:
- Deliver state-of-the-art App. This one is about that balance explained in introduction to this post
- Ownership, Commitment and Trust state of mind. We build such a benevolent climate of trust that we naturally take ownership on topics, we dare to innovate, potentially fail and be vulnerable.
- We have strong processes build to help us become more and more efficient... not just to have processes! *The team is our main asset and we are proud to have a diverse, curious and motivated team that likes to work and have fun together.
The Tech is divided in 2 parts...
- The Product part made out of the CPO, Product Designer, Product Managers and BI engineers.
- The Dev part made out of the CTO and engineers.