Defining the company’s technical strategy (technical watch, identifying new
Manage the technical team: recruiting, training and HR monitoring of the
team’s developers.
Manage project production (planning, deadlines, budget, supervision)
Ensuring the quality of deliveries
Work closely with the business and product teams (market opportunity
assessment, product idea proposals, partnerships), product idea proposals, partnerships)
Ensure data and software security
Hands on (development of features)
Part-time remote working possible (between 2 and 3 days of teleworking
per week)
Starting date: ideally early Jan
Salary package: depending on profiles
Cursor on the leader’s speciality between tech lead, product manager, engineering manager : Tech lead become manager
Hands on/off (% of time hands in code) : Hands on, participates in developments (as long as the team remains at a size of 12-20 people)
Mastery of the stack (or capable of developing skills of the stack)
Able to manage CI/CD
Experience of managing a team of at least 10 people
Experience as a founder or C level
Experience in the logistics sector
Good leader and communicator
Comfortable in a hands-on CTO manager role
Someone focused on delivery, interested in business, able to ‘make the tech part explode’.
CEO meeting - 40 min
Technical meeting - 90 min
Tech & product team meeting - 60 min
C-level meeting - 60 min
Advisor meeting - 60 min
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