"We like to think of Opstrace as open-source distribution for observability"
Discover the main insights gained from an AMA session with Sébastien Pahl about Opstrace, an open-source distribution for observability.
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- Developers
Discover the main insights gained from an AMA session with Sébastien Pahl about Opstrace, an open-source distribution for observability.
The open-source movement has a few things it can share about remote working with the wider software-development community.
We talked with Carol Willing and Łukasz Langa about Python governance entities as well as how the evolutions of the language are decided.
Tim Neutkens, the co-author and lead maintainer of Next.js, shares here how he found himself in the world of open source.
We met up with Erica Sadun and Pavel Zak to discuss how the language Swift has grown over the past six years and the ways it still needs to change.
Discover how open science and open source help to accelerate vaccine research as well as ventilators and testing methodologies production.