Táto pozícia už nie je k dispozícii.

Senior agri-transition Business Developer / Consultant

Zmluva na dobu neurčitú
Plat: Neuvedené
Dátum nástupu: 30. júna 2024
Niekoľko dní doma
skúsenosti: > 5 rokov
Vzdelanie: Magisterský stupeň vzdelania

AXA Climate
AXA Climate

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Consulting within AXA Climate

AXA Climate’s desire is to innovate in terms of corporate culture so that everyone can flourish and develop all its potential. Our culture is therefore a flat organization. Climatic, regulatory and market shocks are forcing agri players to initiate radical transitions in production practices. In the Agri Transition Domain we want to be the partner who supports this transition by shedding light on the necessary changes in practices linked to climate change and nature (e.g. adaptation studies) and by combining insurance and services integrated into products we co-design with our partners. We provide advisory services to quantify the impact of climate and new practices on yield, quality and soil health and accelerate the implementation of agroecological practices.

Your mission as a Senior Business Developer / agri-transition consultant

Within the Agri Transition domain, your role is to contribute to the strategic pillar “Climate & Nature Adaptation Advisory” that comprises : climate and nature risk screening, farming system understanding, adaptation scoring & adaptation plan (sales, delivery, strategy etc).
The missions are the following :

  • to develop our offerings and participate to sales efforts and business development (lead generation, client needs definition, proposal design…)

  • to deploy ideation and design thinking methodologies to create new products and services that fit our customers’ needs and support agricultural transitions (carbon, biodiversity, regenerative agriculture…).

  • to support consulting deliveries for players in the agri and agro industry such as food&beverage, processors, cooperatives, input provider companies

Preferované skúsenosti

  • Experience: You have 5-7 years of experience in agri field or agri-business.

  • Knowledge of climate and nature related-risks is a plus.

  • Your are rigorous, autonomous, and pay attention to details.

  • You have great communication & listening skills

  • You have a strong appeal for climate change and nature adaptation topics.

  • Business development: You are able to open new doors of collaboration with actual clients and new prospects

  • Project delivery: You are able to lead & manage and projects in time, with the right level of quality.

  • Content mastering: You are able to develop customised and practical solutions based on deep understanding of customer needs.

  • Client-centric: You like to resolve problems for clients and create a real partnership with the people you’re working for.

  • You are fluent in French & English.

Náborový proces

  1. Initial meeting with a leader of the consulting domain
  2. 4 short interviews with people from the team, including a personnality test
  3. Final decision !

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