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Strategic Partnerships Executive - Key Accounts - Paris

Sumár práce
Plný úväzok
Plat: Neuvedené
Niekoľko dní doma
Zručnosti & odborná znalosť
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Popis pracovnej ponuky

For almost 10 years, papernest has successfully assisted over 1.5 million users in alleviating one of life's most tedious tasks: contract management. Our innovative solution empowers customers to seamlessly move, manage, and switch their contracts, all within a unified platform, and best of all, for free. Our services are available across France, Spain and Italy (for the time being !)

In an ever-changing world, we take confident steps, guided by the continuous development of our self-sustaining business model. Our success story is woven around an innovative B2B2C model, forged through strategic partnerships with major players in real estate and banking.

We are dedicated to fostering an exciting and vibrant work environment because that's what brings out the best in us. We believe that business needs to be disruptive and ambitious in order to thrive.

However we're not limited to just being good at business. We are also committed to our social responsibility as we strive to actively contribute to the community we belong to, minimize our environmental impact, and aim to foster a culture of social engagement and consciousness among our co-workers.

At the heart of our philosophy is the commitment to long-term success over short-term convenience. We highly value the contributions of each of our 800+ employees, providing them with ample opportunities for growth and the development of invaluable skills.

Your missions 

Here are some of the missions that you will be handling:

• Identifying, assessing and seeking new Real Estate players: you're a real hunter with a strong power of conviction!

• Operational implementation of partnerships: you train, activate and support our partners.

• Contribute to the business unit's strategic vision: suggest areas for improvement in order to continue to develop and increase our business continuously

• In short, you'll juggle telephone hunting, pitching & demos and partner launches with ease and talent.

Why papernest and why choosing this role ?

• Benefit from tailor-made support - onboarding, ongoing training - that will enable you to evolve very quickly and develop your skills.

• Work in a friendly environment, in good spirits, on a concrete and ambitious project!

• Have autonomy, make an impact and take on real challenges.

• Occupy a key position to the company's development.

• Work with motivated, dynamic and committed teams.

Who we are looking for 

• Business school graduate with 1 to 2 years' experience, including a sales role with a proven track record.

• French native, you are also fluent in English.

• You are an ambitious hunter!

• You are known for your excellent interpersonal skills and persuasiveness.

• You like challenges and are results-oriented.

• You have excellent written and oral communication skills.


Ce que nous t’offrons 

En rejoignant papernest tu bénéficieras d’un package composé de:

  • Stock options (BSPCE)
  • Bonus sur OKR
  • Mutuelle Alan, pour une gestion des frais de santé ultra simple et sans paperasse
  • Tickets Restaurants Swile
  • … et tu évolueras dans un environnement de travail :

  • Flexible grâce à une politique remote friendly (2 jours de télétravail possibles par semaine) 
  • Inclusif, tout le monde à sa place chez papernest, et avec plus de 46 nationalités différentes, chez nous il n’est pas rare de commencer sa phrase en français and finish it in English o en español ¡
  • Favorisant la cohésion d’équipe avec des événements et des team buildings réguliers
  • Excitant et challengeant où tu trouveras les ressources nécessaires pour développer ta carrière grâce notamment à notre politique de mobilité interne
  • Gourmand : petit déjeuner offert tous les mardis ainsi qu’un réfrigérateur Ideel Garden connecté pour des déjeuners sains et équilibrés !

    Hiring process 

  • First call with Lena, Talent Acquisition 
  • Second interview with Vincent, your future manager 
  • Business Case 
  • Last call with Clément, Head of Partnerships

    Si ce challenge est le tien, n’hésite pas une seconde ! Nous avons hâte de te rencontrer et cela peu importe ton âge, ton sexe, tes origines, ta religion, ton orientation sexuelle, ou ton handicap. Nos processus de sélection ainsi que notre environnement de travail sont adaptés à tous. 

    Mesdames, nous vous encourageons vivement à postuler ! En effet, même si vous estimez ne pas répondre à la totalité des critères mentionnés dans cette offre, sachez qu'ils sont à titre indicatifs. Nous étudierons avec grand intérêt votre candidature. La parité et la diversité sont un atout pour nos équipes!

    Preferované skúsenosti

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