

Energetika, Stavebníctvo / Verejné práce, Verejné a miestne orgány, Životné prostredie / Udržateľný rozvoj


Perspectives d'évolution

Chez Veolia chaque collaborateur a accès à de nombreuses perspectives d’évolution avec un large éventail de métiers et de secteurs d'activité allant de l'eau aux déchets, en passant par l'énergie. 

Pour soutenir l'évolution de votre carrière vous bénéficiez d'un large choix de programmes de formation aussi bien dans les domaines techniques que du développement personnel, tels que le bilan "360", ou le coaching. 

La dimension du Groupe, la qualité de ses effectifs, la diversité de ses implantations, la multitude de ses savoir-faire, sont autant d'opportunités pour chacun des collaborateurs de Veolia de s'accomplir professionnellement et personnellement afin de concrétiser ses ambitions.
Et pourquoi pas découvrir d’autres horizons et changer de pays ?


À travers nos différents programmes, nos collaborateurs se forment, échangent et transmettent leurs connaissances grâce à une plateforme d'e-learning centralisée.

Accédez à des formations digitales interactives et innovantes mises à disposition selon votre profil.
Apprenez à votre rythme et formez-vous sur les sujets qui vous concernent et qui sont adaptés à votre projet professionnel.

Des programmes Talents sont également disponibles pour permettre votre montée en compétence grâce à de nouvelles méthodes de formation alliant innovation, stratégie, challenge et management.

Vous êtes accompagné dans la construction d'un plan de formation ajusté à vos besoins, car ensemble nous façonnons notre avenir.


  • Would you like to give meaning to your professional activity?
  • Do you feel the need to be useful?
  • Would you like to help the planet and work towards a better and more sustainable future?
  • Do you have a “Resourcer” spirit?

.... At Veolia, 84% of employees and 92% of managers feel invested in their job*. Teams find meaning and purpose in their work in the water, energy or waste management.

At Veolia, we recruit several hundred young graduates every year, from engineering or business schools and universities. They join us for either an internship, a work-study contract or their first job. We also offer them V.I.E. contracts (international voluntary programs in companies) through our dedicated Pangeo program.

Through our Campus network, we also take on trainees, supporting them from CAP-level (certificate of professional aptitude) to a master’s degree.

At Veolia, our 178,894 employees share a mission: resourcing the world. This is why we call them “Resourcers”.

We all work together towards Veolia’s ambition: to be the benchmark company for ecological transformation.

Operating in 51 countries on five continents, with more than 178,894 employees, Veolia designs and implements solutions that contribute to sustainable development in cities and industries, in the fields of water, waste and energy management. Specialized in environmental services, Veolia is committed every day, on every continent, to improving access to resources, while preserving and replenish them.

The Group ensures that international laws and treaties guaranteeing the human and social rights of all people are strictly observed, both within the company and by its stakeholders. These values and rules of conduct take the cultural diversity of the Group into account.

In 2020, Veolia supplied 95 million people with drinking water and 62 million people with wastewater services, produced almost 43 million megawatt hours of energy and recovered 47 million metric tons of waste.

What they are looking for

Veolia recruits several thousands young graduates each year for its operational and support functions. The pool of expertise required is just as wide as the Group’s business lines are diverse. With topics such as Smart Cities, Data Science, IoT, ATAWAD or SATAWAD, digital and new technologies are at the heart of the development of the Group’s activities.

In addition to improving well-being in the workplace, user experience and accessibility, digital technology has become a true performance driver. Veolia is looking for profiles that are drawn to new technologies, but not only IT experts.

The challenges that await future engineers include managing the treatment of new pollutants and hazardous waste, designing innovative solutions to optimize and improve the use of natural resources to better preserve and protect them, and recycling materials to transform them into a new resource by creating circular loops.

Are you a salesperson with a deep interest in new technologies? A general engineer or a solution-oriented technician? A financial expert looking to diversify your management tools? Are you specialized in digital communication? If so, your profile interests us.

Good to know

Working for Veolia means resourcing the world with a “Resourcer” state of mind. This means contributing to our commitment to act sustainably for the planet, together with our clients, industrial partners and municipalities.

At Veolia, our responsibility is to uncover talents and help them develop. Nearly 75% of our employees follow a training program every year. By joining Veolia, you will give yourself the opportunity to develop your experience throughout your career, to work in various countries and to discover new business lines. It will allow you to develop your skills, get further training and feel fulfilled professionally.

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