Táto pozícia už nie je k dispozícii.

Editorial project manager

Sumár práce
Plný úväzok
Plat: Neuvedené
Dátum nástupu: 01. septembra 2024
Príležitostná práca na diaľku
skúsenosti: > 2 roky
Vzdelanie: Magisterský stupeň vzdelania
Zručnosti & odborná znalosť
Generovaný obsah
Pozornosť venovaná detailom
Riadenie projektu
Prezentačné zručnosti


Máte záujem o túto ponuku?

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Popis pracovnej ponuky

WordAppeal is seeking a Content Champion with the following missions:

·           Consulting: perform benchmarks, come up with strategic editorial proposals

·           Writing: draft texts and articles for a variety of publications

·           Project management: liaise with clients to ensure projects run smoothly, lead editorial committee meetings, coordinate and brief designers and developers

·           Resource management: coordinate a team of writers and translators

·           Business development: help grow existing client accounts

Preferované skúsenosti

The successful candidate will be a native English speaker with:

·           Experience as a project manager (in communications, PR or publishing) or as a journalist

·           The ability to manage a diverse team of writers, editors, artistic directors, graphic designers, printers and publishers

·           Excellent writing skills

·           Exceptional attention to detail

·           Strong presentation skills

·           A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent

·           Spoken French

Náborový proces

  1. Tests éditoriaux

  2. Entretien RH

  3. Entretien avec notre équipe anglophone

  4. Entretien avec notre Directeur Général

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