

Change Management, IT / Digital, Software

Woluwé-Saint-Pierre, Paris

Organization and methodologies


Our teams are organized into Scrum Teams, which allows them to deliver our products/projects in an agile and adaptive manner.

The life of our teams is therefore structured around sprints of one or two weeks and daily stand-up meetings.

Recruitment process


At dFakto, the recruitment process is particularly important.

Why? Because it is the first contact, the beginning of our relationship with you. After all, you will never have a second chance to make a good first impression, and neither will we! Because even if it's not a definite "yes" right now, it could be in the future!

Therefore, we value transparent communication.

For technical profiles, the recruitment process usually follows the following steps:

  1. Initial phone call
  2. HR interview
  3. Technical interview + Potential technical test
  4. Validation interview with the CEO or COO

And why not end with a job offer and contract signing!

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