Equity package
We offer a competitive package of 0.1 to 0.5% of stock options depending on the skills & experience level.
We offer a competitive package of 0.1 to 0.5% of stock options depending on the skills & experience level.
We have a great office near Gare de l'Est, with an open kitchen, a gym, frequent activities... and Nintendos!
We offer one of the best health insurance plan in France, SideCare, for you and your family.
Every Friday afternoon, you can allocate time to learn. We also organize paper club sessions to discuss latest AI research breakthroughs.
We are remote-flex as we value productivity and work/life balance. You can adopt a hybrid work schedule where you come work from home 2-3 days / week. We only ask that you come to the Paris office at least 1 day / week. For engineering positions, we're open to discuss full-remote options on a case-by-case basis.
As we grow & scale from a startup to an established leader in AI Testing & Compliance, we will provide several career paths and leadership opportunities, both from a management and individual contributor & expert perspective.
We offer competitive salaries, and all full-time employees are granted a significant equity package. We want to include everyone in the adventure and make it a collective win.
My core job is to develop the machine learning part of our product, which includes Integrations with the MLOps ecosystem, incorporation of new data types (like Computer Vision and Time Series), and researching new quality and statistical metrics.
Moreover, I write articles on the interface between explainability, ethics, and machine learning. Coming from a theoretical particle physics background, I started to appreciate the importance of the user experience and the business value of my work at Giskard.
From the first day at Giskard, employees go through a dedicated onboarding, both on the business side and the technical side.
Then, we provide multiple layers of training and coaching, directly from managers (at Giskard, all managers are expected to be excellent doers), and from peers through dedicated team rituals including pair programming, retrospectives, journal clubs, and all-hands meetings.
We also have a culture of transparency and cross-domain collaboration, which means you can be exposed to other roles, and understand what others are working on. This creates opportunities for lateral thinking and multi-faceted career moves.
We promote transparency and building in public, to allow all team members to understand and contribute. We conduct quarterly company-wide updates to ensure everyone has equal access to information and aligns with the key objectives.
We have habits of eating lunch altogether in our shared kitchen, to get to know each other. On the fun side, our party committee organizes monthly activities, from game nights to casual drinks.
And every year, we organize team-building offsites in the countryside, to refresh and energize as a a team!