
Mobile Apps, Software


Pavel Krbec, CEO - Livesport

Pavel Krbec, CEO

Pavel took over as the head of Livesport at the beginning of 2023. What he values most about Livesport is the team members' passion and, in particular, the abundance of specialists in various fields. To him, Livesport exemplifies how a small Czech company can evolve into a globally dominant product. His favorite sport is rugby.

Martin Holodniok - Android Team Leader - Livesport

Martin Holodniok - Android Team Leader

Martin začínal v Livesportu hned po dokončení vysoké školy na pozici Android vývojáře. Livesport pro něj byl a stále je dream job, protože propojuje nové technologie a sport, což Martin jakožto pyšný Sparťan oceňuje. Současně Martin působí v roli Android Team Leadera a baví ho jeho tým rozvíjet a posouvat tím i celý produkt dál.

Joshua Donaldson, News Editor - Livesport

Joshua Donaldson, News Editor

Joshua joined Livesport because he was always drawn to working on a project with global reach. As a senior editor, he manages the daily operations of the team and influences the editorial strategy. He collaborates with partners in 14 countries and ensures high content quality. Since editors are located on both sides of the Atlantic, he often works remotely, with tools such as Slack and Google Meet being his daily aides. Joshua had the opportunity to build his team and supported its development. The result is a team that has achieved significant progress and continues to grow.

Linda Olivová, Internal Tools Development Team Leader - Livesport

Linda Olivová, Internal Tools Development Team Leader

Linda leads the team responsible for developing internal tools at Livesport. Over three years, she has progressed from a junior developer to a Team Lead and greatly appreciates the support Livesport has provided for her professional development. Her team, which oversees 15 internal applications, operates in a hybrid model and emphasizes independence and efficient communication. Linda's story exemplifies the developmental opportunities and teamwork that Livesport offers.

Martin Pova, Data Activation Team Leader - Livesport

Martin Pova, Data Activation Team Leader

Martin leads a team responsible for gathering and presenting data to company management, enabling them to make informed decisions. Their process involves in-depth research on various topics, focusing on specific countries to gather important sports data. This includes identifying popular sports in each country, determining the preferred platforms for watching sports and finding reliable sources for sports results. Apart from monitoring the competition, Martin also tracks key performance indicators such as user numbers and app downloads. This allows the company to quickly identify any anomalies and take appropriate action. With over 20 years of experience as an active floorball player, Martin approaches sports match outcomes with the mindset of a data analyst. He analyzes factors like ball trajectory, player speed, and shot-on-goal probability, going beyond mere scores to gain valuable insights.

The story of Livesport

Livesport was founded in 2006 by Martin Hájek and Jiří Mareš as a sports results service. Over time, the company experienced a gradual expansion and successfully introduced mobile applications that are now widely used by sports fans all around the world. In 2017, the Aspira Business Centre was built, serving as the headquarters of Livesport to this day. Its doors are consistently open to the world. With its increasing success, Livesport has formed prestigious partnerships. In 2019, football legend Petr Čech became the global ambassador, and in 2022 he was succeeded by two-time Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitová. Between 2022 and 2023, Livesport not only doubled its number of employees but also ventured into the world of sports journalism, setting up newsrooms across 14 countries. Today, Livesport is more than just a result service; it is a gateway to the world of sports.

Různorodost, fair play a otevřenost

Livesport boasts a truly diverse team, comprising individuals of all ages, both men and women, with a range of experience levels and a shared passion for sports. A common thread among them is their ability to learn from mistakes, raise the bar, and play fair. They are team players with a drive to score. And that is what they expect from their colleagues. Although more than 270 people work at Livesport, the company maintains a relaxed and open work environment. This is also the reason why the selection process includes several meetings, to guarantee that there is a mutual fit between the prospective employee and the company.

What is good to know

Flashscore, the flagship product, represents a culmination of efforts from the initial concept to the final delivery to its users. At Livesport, teams oversee the entire lifecycle, encompassing data collection, development, operations, and extending to marketing and sales. Consequently, within a single entity, one can encounter specialists in every domain pertinent to a global technology company.

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