

Inteligencia artificial/Aprendizaje automático, Salud, Software

Paris, Berlin, Cambridge

Work life

Team rituals and events

Work hard…

  • 1h team meeting every Monday, with EVERYONE. You’re all invited to share infos, news, successes, etc. > Weekly 1:1 with your manager
  • 1 off-site meeting meeting / year with everyone
    • 1 off-site meeting / year / department

…Play hard

  • Daily breakfast (or so), brought by anyone > Weekly afterwork on Thursday > Annual year-end party
  • Lots of personal initiatives: monthly « climb & beer », board games evenings, team cooking events, etc.

We are partnering with « Windoo » whose motto is « make the professional environment a place for personal development ». Sample of actions:

  • Monthly massage at the office
  • Monthly personal development training (feedback, time management, organization, etc.)
  • Bubble foot, urban foot, fitness, etc.

In a nutshell, we’re a Scale-Up ▶️ every single excuse is fine to celebrate and have a good time together (with a looot of decoration!)
