

Logistics, SaaS / Cloud Services, Software

Paris, Anvers, Barcelona, Nantes

Organization and methodologies


We work with the Shape Up method. It's a 6 week cycle, during which teams of 3/4 people (tech and product) work together on a specific problem. Then, they enter a two-week "cooldown" period whose goal is to reduce the technical debt, do refactoring but also technical improvements.

Our best practices:

  • Code review
  • Continuous integration
  • Continuous deployment

Projects and tech challenges


This is a link to the tech tam blog https://medium.com/dashdoc. You will discover our team and our projects in more details.

Recruitment process

  • An exchange with Solène, our head of HR, to make sure that we are both looking for the same thing

  • A technical test to be carried out at home (2-3 hours of work)

  • 1/2 day at the Paris or Nantes office to debrief the test, meet Corentin, our CTO, and several members of the technical team

  • Discussion with Benoit, our CEO