Remote Jobs in Florida

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  • DQE Software
    DQE Software
    DQE Software

    🌍 Chez DQE, nous Ă©ditons un logiciel spĂ©cialisĂ© dans la Data Quality. Notre mission universelle est de fiabiliser les donnĂ©es de nos clients en France et Ă  l'international.

    ✹ L'innovation est au cƓur de notre ADN, incarnĂ©e par des projets tels que le dĂ©veloppement d'un Ă©co-calculateur et l'intĂ©gration de l'IA dans notre solution phare DQE ONE.

    Notre expertise bĂ©nĂ©ficie Ă  divers mĂ©tiers, des Ă©quipes CRM aux responsables de la relation client, de la data, du digital et des SI, les aidant Ă  ĂȘtre plus performants et cela dans tous les secteurs d’activitĂ©s (luxe, retail, bancassurance, Ă©nergie, industrie, loisirs, tourismes, etc.). Et nous avons plus de 400 clients qui peuvent le confirmer 😉

    💡 Depuis nos dĂ©buts, nous sommes autofinancĂ©s, garantissant ainsi un environnement de travail stable et propice Ă  l'innovation.

    Chez DQE, nous croyons fermement que chaque membre de notre Ă©quipe a un vrai impact sur notre succĂšs et notre croissance. 🚀

    • Big Data, SaaS / Cloud Services, Software
    • Levallois-Perret, London, Miami
    • Between 15 and 50 employees
  • GROW

    GROW est une agence de conseil qui accompagne les entreprises ambitieuses Ă  construire leur machine commerciale afin de scaler rapidement localement ou Ă  l'international.

    Pour ce faire, les GROWERS accompagnent chaque jour des start up et des scale up à répondre aux 3 enjeux commerciaux les plus importants :

    1. Créer un flux constant et prévisible de leads qualifiés grùce à des stratégies outbound multicanale (Mailing, LinkedIn et Calling)

    2. Transformer le maximum de leads en clients en mettant en place l'organisation commerciale la plus optimale et en coachant les commerciaux sur le terrain

    3. Chasser et recruter rapidement les meilleurs commerciaux

    GROW en quelques chiffres c'est : 270% de croissance par an, +150 clients dans +10 pays, 2 bureaux (un en France pour couvrir l'Europe et un aux USA), +25000 leads générés, +350 sales coachés, +200 sales recrutés...

    Leur implantation dans deux des capitales Ă©conomiques les plus dynamiques du globe reprĂ©sente bien leur ambition. Le fort potentiel de dĂ©veloppement, offre des opportunitĂ©s en or pour ceux qui savent les saisir. Et malgrĂ© cette ambition internationale, GROW reste une entreprise Ă  taille humaine, oĂč l'ambiance est au top et la bienveillance, une seconde nature !

    Ready? Let's GROW 🚀

    • Corporate Support, Marketing / Communications, Strategy
    • Paris, Miami
    • Between 15 and 50 employees
  • OpenAirlines

    🌍 Join OpenAirlines on our journey to save the planet! đŸ›«

    Since airline traffic is growing faster than ever, to tackle this challenge, we invented SkyBreatheÂź, an eco-flying software to help airlines and their stakeholders reduce their fuel costs and environmental impact. Today, we are the 2nd French Cleantech with the highest positive impact in C02 reduction.

    💚 OpenAirlines is also :

    • A green culture, strong ethical values, certified B-corp and HappyTrainnees,
    • Talented employees who are passionate about their missions and acting in favor of the environment,
    • A fun and relaxed atmosphere,
    • A job and a key role in a fast-growing international company,
    • A pleasant and international work environment with premises that favor openness, transparency, and cohesion.
    • Aeronautics / Space, Big Data, Environment / Sustainable Development
    • Toulouse, Hong Kong, Miami, MontrĂ©al
    • Between 50 and 250 employees
  • Clean Horizon
    Clean Horizon
    Clean Horizon

    Clean Horizon is a consulting company 100% dedicated to energy storage, active worldwide since 2009.

    Headquartered in Paris, France, with an office in Miami, Florida, Clean Horizon was one of the first companies to specialize in energy storage.

    Clean Horizon is the only consulting firm in the world to offer both market analysis and technical advice on storage and hydrogen projects.

    • Energy, Specialised Engineering, Strategy
    • Paris, Miami
    • Between 15 and 50 employees
  • Scaleflex

    Driven by the mission to simplify the management, optimization and acceleration of any type of digital content anywhere in the world, Scaleflex is a global B2B SaaS company that develops powerful and scalable solutions to accelerate and simplify Media Asset Management.

    Scaleflex provides customizable, reliable and affordable Cloud services to upload, store, organize, optimize, publish and accelerate all multimedia resources (images, videos, static files such as JS and CSS files, etc.) for websites or mobile applications.

    As a fast-growing international company, Scaleflex now has 80+ members who are passionate about solving Digital Asset Management challenges for more than 1300 customers worldwide through our scalable and flexible SaaS products.

    They are united by a passion for technology, a commitment to corporate culture and the freedom to innovate. They have become a recognized leader in our field of expertise.

    They value and respect individual strengths with a strong team spirit. Sharing is in their DNA: knowledge, experience and ideas are open within their team. Scaleflex favors synergies stemming from their cultural origins, their life stories and their skills.

    • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, SaaS / Cloud Services, Software
    • Lyon, Cairo, Londres, Miami, Munich, Paris, Quáș­n 1, Singapore, Sofia
    • Between 50 and 250 employees

    BasĂ©e en France (Toulouse) et aux USA (Miami), Fittingbox, c’est l’idĂ©e de deux entrepreneurs, Benjamin et Ariel, qui ont inventĂ© en 2006, le 1er miroir digital pour essayer des lunettes en ligne ou via son smartphone en temps rĂ©el, grĂące Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© augmentĂ©e. 15 ans plus tard, ce sont 130 collaborateurs rĂ©partis dans le monde entier qui accompagnent plus de 4000 clients, parmi lesquels les plus grands groupes internationaux des industries de l’optique et du luxe :

    Aujourd’hui notre technologie est Ă  l’origine de plus de 140 millions d’essayages virtuels annuels. Fittingbox, c’est aussi le studio produisant la plus grande base de donnĂ©es de lunettes en 3D et en photo du monde, avec plus de 195 000 paires !

    • Connected Objects, Fashion
    • LabĂšge, Miami
    • Between 50 and 250 employees
  • Pelico

    Pelico is an innovative french startup whose mission is to create a platform that helps factories become more agile, efficient, and resilient, reducing the impact of any problems on production and stay productive.

    We empower organizations to safeguard revenue, boost agility, and strengthen resilience in an increasingly challenging supply chain landscape, where disruptions like supplier failures, late deliveries, additional customer requests, material shortages, quality issues, machine breakdown
strike every 16 minutes.

    In short, Pelico empower factories to optimize and streamline their supply chains for greater efficiency and impact!

    About our team

    Pelico brings together a dynamic team of over 120 professionals from more than 32 nationalities across the US and France, blending top-tier talent from Tech, Data Science, and Manufacturing.

    Our dynamic, collaborative environment fuels innovation and drives excellence, empowering us to solve complex manufacturing challenges and redefine the industry's future

    • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
    • Paris, Frankfurt Am Main, Miami
    • Between 50 and 250 employees
  • Shotgun

    Shotgun est un outil permettant aux organisateurs d'évÚnements (festivals, clubs, collectifs, promoteurs, etc.) de développer leurs communautés via des outils marketing puissants. La mission de Shotgun est de permettre de connecter ces organisateurs avec les jeunes (et les moins jeunes) passionnés de musique d'acheter simplement leurs billets.

    La start-up est née en 2014 et compte aujourd'hui plus de 2M d'utilisateurs et 1000 clients actifs.

    • E-commerce, Mobile Apps, Music
    • Paris, Brooklyn, Conceição Do Araguaia, Marseille, Miami
    • Between 15 and 50 employees

    OVRSEA is a next-generation, multimodal freight forwarder dedicated to simplifying and optimizing international freight management through technology.

    They offer clients industry expertise and comprehensive, end-to-end visibility across all transport modes - sea, air, road, and rail - covering every stage from loading to customs declarations.

    Founded in 2017, OVRSEA now supports over 700 clients from offices in Paris, Marseille, New York, Miami, Barcelona, and Milan. They are continuing to grow and expand internationally!

    • Logistics, Shipping and Ground Transport
    • Paris, Barcelone, Marseille, Miami, Milano, New York
    • Between 50 and 250 employees

Remote work in Florida

Remote work in Florida aligns with national trends, seeing an increase in employers and employees opting for telecommuting options. This shift is influenced by technological advancements, the COVID-19 pandemic’s long-term effects, and a growing emphasis on work-life balance. Florida’s businesses, spanning from startups to established corporations, increasingly embrace remote work, offering roles across various sectors. This evolution contributes to a dynamic job market, accommodating those seeking flexibility without sacrificing professional growth.