Kurmi Software

Kurmi Software

Electronics / Telecommunications, SaaS / Cloud Services, Software

Rennes, Berlin, Boulogne-Billancourt, Montréal, New York

Organization and methodologies

Our agile development process is built around five Scrum teams, each engaged in four-week sprints to produce a single deliverable: Kurmi Suite.

A Release Manager orchestrates the various delivery phases, guaranteeing synchronization between the teams.

In addition to the daily meetings specific to each Scrum, we hold a weekly inter-Scrum “daily” meeting, which aligns everyone on the state of progress and facilitates a transversal vision of the sprint objectives.

This system not only optimizes our workflow, but also encourages collaboration within our structure.

Recruitment process

Our recruitment process counts 4 stages:

  • A telephone interview (15-20 minutes with the HR team)
  • A manager interview (1h30) with the manager and the CTO
  • A technical test
  • An interview with the HR Direction and/or the CEO/COO