4flow (Czech Republic)

4flow (Czech Republic)

Logistique, Supply Chain


Our commitment to sustainability

 Sustainability is not just a buzzword for us, it is connected to our purpose as a business and deeply rooted in our corporate culture.

We optimize transportation networks and develop sustainable supply chain solutions for our customers, helping them reduce emissions and minimize their environmental impact.

Our sustainability journey is guided by three key principles:

  • Environmental protection:

We recognize the importance of reducing our carbon footprint, conserving natural resources, and minimizing waste. Through various initiatives, we contribute to the protection of the planet for future generations. 
Within our Pilsen office, this mainly involves recycling, composting food waste, growing our own vegetables, and preventing waste by carefully ordering office snacks and equipment.

  • Social responsibility:

The respectful treatment of our team members is a core component of the 4flow company culture that we foster at all of our global locations.

We actively support fair labor practices, diversity and inclusion. As part of our corporate events, we also like to get involved in charity activities.

For example, at summer and Christmas parties at our Pilsen office we collect donations for selected charities, and during the year we organize a clothing bazaar as part of our zero-waste initiative.

  • Economic stability:

By adopting sustainable practices, we aim to increase our operational efficiency, reduce costs and create value for our clients.

We realize that every decision we make has an impact on our surroundings and society, and we are committed to making these impacts as positive as possible.

4flow (Czech Republic)

Péče o životní prostředí:

Uvědomujeme si, jak důležité je snižování naší uhlíkové stopy, zachování přírodních zdrojů a minimalizace odpadu. Prostřednictvím nejrůznějších iniciativ se snažíme přispět k ochraně planety pro budoucí generace. V rámci naší plzeňské kanceláře se jedná zejména o recyklaci, kompostování zbytků jídla, pěstování vlastní zeleniny, ale i o šetrné objednávání občerstvení i kancelářského vybavení.

Společenská odpovědnost:

Ohleduplné zacházení se členy našeho týmu je důležitou součástí firemní kultury 4flow, kterou podporujeme ve všech našich globálních pobočkách.

Aktivně podporujeme rovné zacházení a příležitosti, diverzitu a inkluzi. Během našich firemních akcí se rádi zapojujeme i do charitativních aktivit.

Například na letních a vánočních večírcích v naší plzeňské kanceláři vybíráme dary pro vybrané charitativní organizace a v průběhu roku pořádáme bazar s oblečením v rámci naší „zero-waste“ iniciativy.

4flow (Czech Republic)
4flow (Czech Republic)

Ekonomická stabilita:

Přijetím udržitelných postupů se snažíme zvýšit naši provozní efektivitu, snížit náklady a tím vytvářet přidanou hodnotu pro naše klienty.

Uvědomujeme si, že každé rozhodnutí, které učiníme, má dopad na naše okolí a společnost, a jsme odhodláni zajistit, aby tyto dopady byly co nejpozitivnější.


4flow is a German company based in Berlin, currently operating on 4 continents and in more than 20 countries. It provides consultancy services, software, as well as direct management and supply chain and logistics coordination. More than 1,200 team members use their expertise and IT know-how to provide ourclients with innovative and optimal solutions.

The Pilsen team focuses on 4PL logistics services, which means it does not own the required warehouse spaces or transport networks, but rather takes over the processes related to the management of their suppliers on behalf of the customer and ensures maximum quality of the service and fulfilment of targets, especially in the area of transport.

What they are looking for

4flow gives space and opportunity to both experienced professionals and students who are ideally looking for an environment to pursue their career following graduation. It provides growth opportunity to any employee who is interested and willing to work on themselves, whether in a specialist-expert role or in a role that involves responsibility for leading a team.

It offers a challenging job that allows everyone to learn lots of new things and quickly take on responsibility. Another great benefit is the opportunity to put your foreign language skills to an actual use, our employees being deployed in an international team environment on a daily basis.

Good to know

4flow is an innovative company that not only focuses on logistics and its employees, but also on sustainability in general, both in the field of environment and social responsibility.

The company actively contributes to reducing its carbon footprint. It takes part in the Friends Kinderhilfe and Cities without Hunger projects, donating to the World Wildlife Federation on each anniversary of 4flower. The local team in turn supports activities such as Good Angel and contributes a regular Christmas collection to a selected charity project.

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