ATR - Stage formation technique FAL

Salaire : Non spécifié
Télétravail non autorisé


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Le poste

Descriptif du poste

Job Description:

Envie de rejoindre l'aventure ATR ? Une offre de stage est disponible sur notre site à Saint Martin !

En 2024, ATR est labellisée Happy Trainees. 95.8% des étudiants recommandent notre entreprise à l’issue de leur alternance ou de leur stage.

Ce que nous allons faire ensemble :

Être stagiaire chez ATR, c’est être intégré au sein d’une équipe comme un membre à part entière avec un véritable périmètre d’intervention et des responsabilités.

Descriptif des missions proposées :

  • Contribuer à développer un parcours formant pour les nouveaux arrivants
  • Participer au développement des moyens pédagogiques techniques pour enrichir nos salles de formation
  • Participer à la vie du service de Formation en FAL

Ce stage est fait pour vous:

  • BAC +2  à BAC +3  domaine Technique
  • Compétence Technique : Connaitre les techniques de fabrication aéronautique
  • Notion des règlementations aéronautique en production et de l’Assurance Qualité
  • Bonne connaissance des outils bureautiques 

Être autonome et Force de proposition,

  • Esprit d’équipe ,
  • Esprit d’initiative,
  • Méthodique,

Want to join the ATR adventure? An internship offer is available on our site in Saint Martin!

 In 2024, ATR is labeled Happy Trainees. 92.8% of students recommend our company at the end of their work-study program or internship.

 What we will do together: Being an intern at ATR means being integrated into a team as a full member with a real scope of intervention and responsibilities.

Description of the proposed missions :

  • Contribute to developing a training course for new
  • Participate in the development of technical teaching methods to enrich our training rooms
  • Participate in the life of the FAL Training department

This internship is for you:

BAC +2 to BAC +3 Technical field

Technical Skill:

  • Knowledge of aeronautical manufacturing technics
  • Notion of aeronautical regulations in production and Quality Assurance
  • Good knowledge of office tools
  • Autonomous and proactive,
  • Team spirit,
  • Initiative Spirit,
  • Methodical

This job requires an awareness of any potential compliance risks and a commitment to act with integrity, as the foundation for the Company’s success, reputation and sustainable growth.


Avions de Transport Regional (ATR) GIE

Contract Type:



Experience Level:


Job Family:

HR Expertise <JF-HR-CC>

By submitting your CV or application you are consenting to Airbus using and storing information about you for monitoring purposes relating to your application or future employment. This information will only be used by Airbus.Airbus is committed to achieving workforce diversity and creating an inclusive working environment. We welcome all applications irrespective of social and cultural background, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief.

Airbus is, and always has been, committed to equal opportunities for all. As such, we will never ask for any type of monetary exchange in the frame of a recruitment process. Any impersonation of Airbus to do so should be reported to

At Airbus, we support you to work, connect and collaborate more easily and flexibly. Wherever possible, we foster flexible working arrangements to stimulate innovative thinking.

Envie d’en savoir plus ?
