




After a PhD at the University of Paris Sud on Grid Computing, Gilles worked at the University of San Diego in California, before joining INRIA in 2004. His research interests are parallel distributed computing, focusing on the use of large, loosely coupled, distributed computing infrastructures to support demanding computational and data-intensive science. Gilles has developed several Grid and Cloud Computing softwares and algorithms, and received the PIFI award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015. He also co-authored more than 80 scientific papers and a book on Desktop Grid Computing. In 2016, he co-founded iExec to build a decentralized marketplace for computing resources based on the blockchain. In 2017, iExec initiated a virtual currency fundraising (ICO) and raised the equivalent of 10,000 bitcoins in less than three hours.


Damien graduated from Grenoble Polytechnic Institute in Computer Science and Network Engineering. After his degree, he worked for 10 years in the healthcare industry, first as a Networks and Systems Engineer, then as Deputy to the Information Systems Security Manager. Damien joined iExec in May 2020 as DevSecOps. He is responsible for ensuring the industrialization, quality, sustainability, and security of developments and deployments carried out on the company's IT infrastructure.


Baptiste holds a Master's degree in Information Systems Management, with a specialization in Blockchain technologies. After graduating, Baptiste held various business development positions in the industrial and technological sector, in France, Malta, and Vietnam. Passionate about the blockchain world, he joined iExec in September 2018 as a Blockchain Project Manager, before becoming a year later Blockchain Project Manager. Baptiste helps companies to identify their needs and creates blockchain solutions that meet these needs. He also provides education around this technology that is still difficult to understand.


Claudine holds a Bachelor’s degree in front-end development and a Master’s degree in Art & Anthropology. Her academic background led her to hold positions in project management and web design in museums and galleries in France, New York, and Brussels. Increasingly passionate about UX/UI issues, Claudine embraced the profession. She first worked as a freelancer, then joined iExec in January 2020. In charge of the company's visual identity, Claudine also creates interfaces and products that meet the needs of users, while being pleasant and easy to use.


Victor is an engineer, graduated from INSA Lyon. It was reading the White Paper published by Bitcoin (describing the technical functioning of a peer-to-peer electronic payment system) that made him fall into the world of crypto-currencies. He then moved to China and became Chief Technical Officer of a hedge fund specialized in financial derivatives. Back in France, Victor joined iExec in August 2017, as Asset Manager. His mission? Make RLC tokens (iExec's cryptocurrency) easy to purchase, and manage all the risks related to the crypto market volatility.


iExec a développé une place de marché Web3 pour les ressources informatiques. Sur la place de marché d’iExec, les utilisateurs peuvent monétiser l’usage de leurs applications, de leurs données et de leur puissance de calcul, tout en en conservant la propriété et la confidentialité. iExec utilise la blockchain Ethereum pour organiser les échanges sur la place de marché, en apportant gouvernance, confiance et sécurité.

iExec apporte également son expertise aux entreprises dans le développement de projets blockchain, autour de la tokenisation d'actifs, du partage de données confidentielle, du transfert de valeur ou des smart contracts.

iExec a été financé grâce à une ICO, une levée de fonds en crypto-monnaies qui a permis de récolter 10 000 Bitcoins en moins de 3 heures. L’entreprise a également créé sa propre crypto-monnaie, le RLC, le moyen de paiement sur la place de marché, accessible depuis les principales plateformes d’échanges mondiales.

Ce qu'ils recherchent

Vous aimez l’innovation ? Vous êtes attiré.e par le Web3, la blockchain, les enjeux de la décentralisation ou l’univers des crypto-monnaies ? Que vous soyez expert.e ou néophyte passionné.e, rejoignez l’équipe iExec pour participer à la construction de la première place de marché Web3 pour les ressources informatiques et relever les défis qui l'accompagnent.

Bon à savoir

Travailler chez iExec, c’est :

  • Prendre part à un projet technologique ambitieux autour de la blockchain et des cryptos, dans un secteur en plein développement.
  • Intégrer une équipe composée de personnes venant des quatre coins du monde.
  • Travailler dans des locaux chaleureux et conviviaux (maison avec piscine, billard, espace détente et snacks à volonté).

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